VIII - Bullies and thugs

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Bullies and Thugs

Wednesday, September 2, 1942 (Afternoon)

After having lunch Holly goes straight to her Transfiguration class on the third floor. She was spacing out and forgot completely that she was supposed to wait for her Housemates, knowing the class would be with Ravenclaw made her anxious to see Myrtle Warren again.

Holly arrived ten minutes earlier at the classroom already occupied by some Ravenclaws, freezing as soon as she stepped inside it.

Myrtle was sitting on the front line of desks, head low, while four Ravenclaw girls were sitting a few rows behind her, mocking her appearance. The Ravenclaw boys were talking loudly, absent minded about what was happening between the girls from their House.

Holly felt her blood boiling and strode down to the first row, placing her things on the desk at Myrtle's right side while facing the girls with a forced smirk. "What's so funny here? I want to laugh too."

The girls raised their eyebrows and looked down at Holly, probably judging her by her appearance. Regardless Holly's messy looks, the leader of the group opened a widen smile, full of confidence for finding an ally from other House to make fun of Myrtle Warren. "You just need to turn your head to the side and see how hideous are Warren's new glasses." Myrtle hugged herself and dropped more her chin when Holly turned her head to face her. She had her stare fixed on the table, humiliated. Her eyes were glassy and Holly knew she was about to cry.

"Oh, I see indeed, it's really ridiculous..." Holly looked up again to the leader of the group, who showed an expression of camaraderie. "... four girls who definitely are displeased with themselves so they gang up against a sole person to feel better..." One of the girls gasped. " I thought Ravenclaw wasn't a House for shallow people, I suppose I was wrong." the tiny witch crossed her arms, defiant. Myrtle held a breath, her head snapped to the tiny valiant Slytherin, thunderstruck by the unexpected support.

"How dare you?" The leader of the girls stood up, slamming the table. She drawn her wand but Holly was faster, with a non-verbal Expelliarmus she sent the Ravenclaw's wand away. A second girl was about to help her friend when Holly pointed her wand quickly, disarming her as well. Then, the black-haired Slytherin just stared the other two with a haughty smirk, as if daring them to resist. They lift their hands up, surrendering.

Holly was very proud of her reflexes and she followed Sirius' advice to practice non-verbal spells that would be mandatory anyway after the sixth year. She practiced a lot on her fifth year, while teaching other students to defend themselves on their secret group, 'Dumbledore's Army' (Also known as D.A.).

In addition, Holly dueled with Voldemort himself, his Death Eaters, and survived. Being lucky or not, she wouldn't lose to a bunch of spoiled cowards.

"Were you saying something?" Holly turned out to the leader again, a victory smirk dancing on the corners of her mouth. She was pretty sure her name was Olive Hornby, Myrtle's ghost talked a lot about her old bully, who now opened and closed her mouth, like a fish out of water, utterly defeated.

Holly didn't noticed the Slytherins' arrival while the Ravenclaw boys stood up with angered expressions. She was smiling at Myrtle, who was smiling back at her in awe and happiness. Tom and his 'gang' observing the scene that unfolded in front of them. Lucretia Black had a hand covering her mouth, eyes widened in surprise.

"Hey, what the hell is going on?" An Asian boy stormed towards Holly with furrowed eyebrows, he had a silver prefect badge just like Tom's. The other Ravenclaw prefect was one of the bullies who surrendered but was too astonished to speak.

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