X - More Revelations

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Thursday, September 3, 1942

The beginning of Divination class was very atypical, the revelations about Holly Portier's past were interesting in various ways. First of all, it seemed she experienced very harsh things in her past and was able to maintain her spirit unbroken. Tom admired that. She was a rough diamond with lots of potential and he was very curious about what she can turn into after being polished.

He didn't get the part of Death's heirlooms or whatever, but something said caught his attention completely. The man who tried to kill her when she was just a baby avoided death splitting his soul. It seemed familiar to a dark ritual he saw mentioned in a book. Tom still didn't have discovered the details about it and was eager on his research. He thought it would be a good achievement turning himself into an immortal being, but on second hand, if an immortal wizard was incapable of killing even a toddler, in his opinion it was something worthless if the magic power or control of it was affected. Whoever this person was, he failed to kill an infant with an Unforgivable curse. That man was a pathetic excuse for a wizard.

Tom didn't like the way the professor's blind gaze pierced him while she whispered secrets to the little Lioness. He didn't like her stare, it was if that milky eyes of her were capable to scrutinize the deepest parts of his soul, or even read his darkest thoughts. It was thanks to Divination that he started to study the mind arts after all, afraid of the secrets professor Vablatsky could discover regarding him.

Of course some things said by professor Vablatsky raised more questions than answers, but considering how shaken Holly Portier was, it held pretty accurate truths. Tom was somehow interested on the new girl's past and now his curiosity escalated another level. It appeared her tormented past was worse than his own, and he had the feeling that maybe he could be the only person inside Hogwarts able to relate with her pain and losses. Just like Holly, Tom was alone in the world, an orphan raised by filthy muggles. Deep down in his heart he felt the strangest urge to protect and comfort the tiny witch. He never felt anything similar for anyone else, he barely knew the girl, but she was messing with him in irrational ways. Holly Portier was a unique enigma and he loved to investigate and decipher puzzles and mysteries... the new girl was like a full banquet to his voracious mind.

It was also funny to him how similar Holly Portier was to the Snow White princess from the muggle stories he heard as a child, not only physically, but also by how many times they both avoided death. The only difference being a dark witch trying to kill the princess instead of a dark wizard and the lack of seven dwarfs.

The revelations caused agitation to most of the students. After the girl left the classroom in a hurry, the professor put a hand on Myrtle's shoulder, making her flinch. "You have no idea how blessed you will be to receive your O.W.L.s next year." The witch spoke facing the rest of the classroom, her blank gaze scanning everyone. The Ravenclaw turned pale for a matter of seconds, probably afraid to have her own secrets spilled out too.

"I had an important matter to discuss with everyone today, what was that again?" The old hag asked most to herself, a long nail scratching her chin. She acted as if nothing out of the ordinary just happened and no student left her classroom crying.

"O.W.L.s" The crow said on her shoulder, mimicking a voice of a small child. The old witch's familiar was as creepy as its master.

"Oh right!" The old woman chuckled and gave a brief explanation about what usually appears on the exams and the contents she would teach them this term and gave a speech that lasted around five minutes.

"But today we will talk about soulmates, soul bonds and destiny. Anyone can tell me what soulmates are?"

A Ravenclaw lifted up her hand and the professor turned her head at where the student was seating as if she could actually see her and nodded in approval for her to speak. It always spooked the students how she was able to do that being blind. In Tom's opinion the hag was just like a spider able to know exactly in which spot a fly landed on its web just by the vibrations of its trap. "Soulmates are half of your soul. If you have the luck to find your soulmate, you'll have the ultimate blessing of the love in your life."

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