XIV- I'm not your friend

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Monday, September 7, 1942

Tom woke up at morning with a bitter taste in his mouth, he didn't sleep well reenacting in his mind the events that happened the night before. He was confused by the way Holly Portier fled from him after the long moment in each other's company sharing breathtaking kisses and small caresses. It really hurt when she said everything was a mistake and they should act as if nothing happened, but Tom felt slapped in the face when she declared that they should only be friends.

The last thing a bloke wants to hear after a kiss from a girl he desires is a statement that they should remain friends.

The worst thing of all of this was the fact that Holly clearly enjoyed quite a lot. Tom felt his heart beating faster just from recalling the way she whispered and moaned his name near his ear countless times. The name so common and mugglish that he always hated with all his being. Until yesterday at least, before it came out from her lovely lips.

Tom always felt good watching people suffer in pain or fear, so it was an unexpected surprise discovering how satisfactory could actually be driving pleasure into someone as he did with Holly. Though the caresses were fairly innocent, it was enough to make his ego burst in pride, he only could imagine how he would feel if he chose to explore Holly's body further with his hands or tongue before burying himself deep inside her. For sure it was more appealing the image of Holly squirming in delight under his touch than the torture of any enemy of his into oblivion with an Unforgivable Curse.

It was frustrating the way she rejected him, but even worse was the fear in her eyes and how it made him feel sick. No matter how bad of a person Tom considered himself to potentially be, there were some lines he never intended to cross and for the briefest of the moments, Holly made him feel like a sexual offender.

That moment he felt apprehensive that Holly had been sexual assaulted in the past although after a moment of consideration he reached the conclusion that it was highly unlikely. He observed her interactions the past few days and the witch didn't look particularly afraid of boys as she appeared to be more at ease near that giant Gryffindor bloke than near most of the Slytherin girls. Of course to know it for sure, he had to ask it directly at her, prepared to sniff any signs of lies.

However, right now the last thing Tom wanted was to speak with Holly. He still had to process better everything that happened between them since the first day they met as much as the way the tiny witch was affecting him. For a start, he never felt before the actual urge to kiss or caress someone. He kissed a few girls here and there out of curiosity but he always felt disgusted to explore the insides of their mouths with his tongue, so he only tested a few pecks and there was it. With Holly, Tom not just wanted to devour her soul by her mouth but also have a taste of her lower lips as well. As a bloke Tom heard lots of dirty talks between boys and acts that he always considered repulsive, now ignited his curiosity as Holly was inserted in the context.

Tom never questioned his sexuality because only the idea of kissing a man was revolting for him. He never liked people in general, however he hated men even more than women. He actually wouldn't mind if he was born as someone who felt attraction for men. Before Holly appeared in his life he thought that something was just broken inside him regarding human relations and he was fine with it. It was confusing and maddening how the witch just popped in his life and in a matter of few days a switch turned inside his brain. He didn't like it, it was more easy and comfortable to just hate and despise everyone.

And last night with a small taste of Holly Portier, Tom got completely addicted.

He contemplated the idea of ignoring Holly but unfortunately at breakfast they made visual contact and the witch greeted him so he politely greeted her back. Not answering her could raise questions from the others and he didn't like to draw unwanted attention.

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