XIII - Holly Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

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Sunday, September 6, 1942

Holly planned to spend her afternoon inside the Slytherin Common Room studying on a desk near the windows where she had a good view of the Black Lake, and sometimes could spot small fishes and other aquatic creatures here and there. Abraxas, Violet and Melissa joined her just a few minutes after she sat there.

Holly was scribbling some notes with her fountain pen, drawing the curiosity of the hatchlings, Malfoy scrunched up his nose at the Gryffindor colors her pen had. The first years were studying too, so they had their materials with them. Holly offered to transform their quills and ink pots into a fountain pens. The girls beamed at the idea but Abraxas was a little apprehensive about writing with something so 'mugglish'. He ended up giving a chance to it, though.

Violet's fountain pen was... violet, of course, with small flower patterns (violets, again). Melissa chose the colors of the rainbow for hers and Malfoy wanted his to be fancy, in royal blue color and golden details.

Holly and Abraxas focused on their study activities and the two girls at first did the same, but after a while they got bored and asked Holly if they could comb and braid her hair and she reluctantly accepted. It was a usual habit she observed among the Slytherins though she found it a little strange, only seeing Lavender and Parvati doing the same thing inside the Gryffindor dormitories, never on the Common Room.

Sometimes it was like she was inside a beauty salon and the most funny thing was to see Dolohov, Lestrange and Rosier helping the girls —as their punishment for being extremely rude towards Holly, who was a Slytherin lady, thank you very much. They held mirrors in front of them and Holly saw once Dolohov painting Walburga's nails though he was shoved away for being too clumsy.

So there was Holly thorn between studying or relaxing by the hands of the first years, one at each side of her, playing with Holly's hair, taking their time to comb it, braid and unbraid, testing what was the best to do with her unruly dark locks. Abraxas didn't pay much attention to them, concentrated on his own potions homework.

"I can just order the potion I want with my money, why bother learning how to make it?" He huffed, making Holly snort. Abraxas' grandson, Draco, loved to brew potions and was always competing with Holly and Hermione to be the first in classes. Apparently it wasn't a talent that ran into his family, Abraxas seemed to hate each line of the book he was reading. Holly helped him a little while Violet and Melissa gossiped between themselves.

After a while Holly's ears perked up by Violet's voice. "Is he looking?" Holly heard the girl say behind her.

"Of course he's looking," Melissa had a smile on her voice. "Stop staring!" She scolded the other girl with a hiss. "He will notice we know about it!"

"Boys are soooo obvious!" Violet said. "He is soo into Holly!" Melissa elbowed the other girl and both of them giggled.

"W-what?" Holly lifted her head a little to observe the other students far away from them and discover about whom they were talking about. "What do you mean? Who is interested on me?" The tiny witch asked with a frown.

"Riddle, of course!" Melissa said with a sigh, not believing how dense Holly could be. "He peeps into this direction every five minutes!"

Holly scoffed. "Maybe he wants to see the Giant Squid or something, it was very close of the windows this morning!"

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