IX - Revelations

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Thursday, September 3, 1942

Holly finished her breakfast and walked alongside Myrtle towards the North Tower to Divination Class. "And how it was last night? Did your housemates left you alone?" Holly asks to her new Ravenclaw friend, concerned by her well-being.

"Yes, they totally ignored me, and that's a hundred times better!" Myrtle said with a joyful smile on her face. "They received a reprimand from Professor Dumbledore and professor Binns."

"Professor Binns?"

"Yes, he is the Head of Ravenclaw,"

"Oh..." Now it made more sense that Myrtle being bullied for years got unnoticed by the Head of Ravenclaw. The History professor didn't seem to care if he was giving lectures to students or to the walls. He was a poor choice as Head of House in her opinion.

"Well, now they got a month detention with professor Binns and he scolded them for about an hour!" Myrtle said and Holly snorted.

"I can't hear him talk for five minutes without drowsing... If he talked to me directly for one straight hour and I had to keep my eyes opened all the time it would be torture!" Both witches giggled.

"Well, they deserve that after tormenting me all these years!" Myrtle made a small pout and then took Holly's hands in hers, giving a shy smile. "I can't thank you enough! You saved my life in a way..."

Well, not yet. Holly thought bitterly about the Chamber of Secrets and the basilisk inside it, but she tried to reciprocate a smile to the Ravenclaw.

"And what about you, Holly?" Myrtle asked in concern.

"Me? what about me?"

"You know... Riddle and the others! Did they treat you bad after what happened?"

"Oh, no," Holly told Myrtle their strange behavior after dinner and her impression that Tom Riddle didn't want to declare war. Holly's roommates acted almost like the same as her first night, Lucretia the only one to acknowledge her presence.

"Well, I guess this is better for now, but you must keep your eyes open," Myrtle said with a frown. "There's a possibility they are acting friendly to avoid attention while planning their revenge. You know how Slytherins work," The Ravenclaw witch had an expression of full confidence in what she was saying, and then her gaze fell towards Holly's tie and Myrtle blushed. "Sorry."

Holly looked down to her tie, just now reminding herself she was also a Slytherin, so used to wear the red and gold of Gryffindor, and snorted. "No problem, I can't agree more with you," Myrtle just raised an eyebrow to her, a little confused, but asked no further questions.

"So, what's your favorite Divination method?" Myrtle asked, expectantly. The way her eyes lit reminded Holly of Lavender and Parvati, who loved the classes of professor Trelawney.

"Actually, I hate Divination," Holly sighed and Myrtle looked puzzled for a moment. "I just took the class to see how it goes, but I already regret it." It was a half-truth, she was in the class only to keep an eye on Tom Riddle.

"Do you have any particular reason to hate it?" Myrtle asked, seeming slightly disappointed.

"Well... I had a professor who always predicted the horrible ways I would die and how often bad things would happen to me." And truth to be told, Trelawney wasn't so wrong after all.

"You too?" Myrtle gasped. " Professor Vablatsky said on my first day that I would die at young age if I crossed the stare of a beast bred by a dark wizard... I was so afraid that I quit Care of Magical Creatures."

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