Get Me Down Now- Erron Black

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It was a normal day for us bounty hunters. We were given a mission, completed excellently, and now we were treading back to get our money owed. This mission was a particularly good one, as the shares waiting for us would be shared equally without the cowboy and I squabbling like children. It always got tense between us when the shares were given. Almost always the fight would be about who killed who, which resulted in who got more. For mercenaries like us, the highest bidder was all we cared about. However, walking back, things didn't go to plan.

"EEK!" I squeaked as my feet harshly swept under me. I was pulled harshly again and horrifically my legs were tied tightly above me and my arms hung limply, a good half a metre above the ground. Jesus Christ Almighty I stepped into a trap.

A hearty laugh sprung about the forest, causing the birds to fly away in surprise. I never heard Erron Black laugh so hard (never heard him laugh at all actually) since we've been partners and I was incredibly miffed that I was the butt of the joke. 

"Yeah yeah yeah, laugh it up." I grumbled. "Now get me down." From my very upside down view I could see Erron standing in front of me with his arms crossed. His eyes sparkled from amusement at my predicament. I scowled hard.

Erron tilted his head and thought for a second. "No."

"No!" I panicked. "What do you mean, 'No?'"

"I mean, you ain't gettin' down there." His Texan accent drawled. He uncrossed his arms and rested his hands on his hips. My eyes followed them before snapping back up to his eyes.

"C'mon man, haven't I always been fair to you?" I pleaded. My limp arms pathetically moving in a hug-like motion. It was as if I was trying to compel him with limp arms and to be honest I wasn't quite sure why. I had no compelling powers and Erron isn't so easily persuaded.

"When was the last time you were fair?" Erron asked, amused. He knew, just like I did, that our partnership was anything but fair and very much based on 'whoever caught 'em got the most, if not all, the money'.

"You know..." I raked my brain for any small scenario where I was fair to the guy. Sadly, since we were most comfortable looking out for our own backs, there hasn't been a time where we could get the other out of a sticky situation, so it's not like we owed each other anything. "That time."

"That time?" He raised an eyebrow. "Pardon me, ma'am, but your gon' have to be more specific than 'that.'"

"Well..." I paused. "You know that time... you know? I err... helped you!" It infuriated me that the smug git was finding this all funny, as his eyes wrinkled from a smirk.

"You 'helped me' huh." It wasn't a question but a statement. My patience snapped.

"Okay, I didn't help you!" My arms swung. "I never have, but if you get me down then I owe you and I know how valuable you keep your debts." I gave him the preposition and waited patiently for him to think about.

He considered me as my face started to turn a little purple from the amount of blood rushing to my head, which was feeling heavier and heavier as I started to impatiently wait.

"Okay, Buttercup. You got yourself a deal." With that, he took his knife out its holster.

"Wait what- aah!" The rope was cut swiftly without warning and my back fell hard against the hard forest ground. Groaning, Erron's feet glided passed me.

"Hurry up, Sweetheart." His voice dripped honey.

"I'll give you 'Sweetheart.'" I huffed as I untied the rope and stood up. "Ass."

Stumbling, I followed him to the edge of the woods. Watching his back and arse sway with every step, I had an idea. My footsteps quickened.

"Hey, Erron!" I called out. He swiftly turned and jumped in surprise as I grabbed the back of his head, tore his stupid mask off his face and kissed him full on the mouth.

His lips were soft yet a little cracked from the lack of water we both had/ hadn't had, but his lips claimed mine easily as I pressed mine against his fiercely, pushing each others lips like we were easy gold to steal.

In truth, I never thought I would ever kiss Erron Black. At first, and still to this day, I found him immediately attractive and it's not as if I haven't caught him checking me out from behind either. Things were easy with him; the boundaries were lax and loose as long as the main ones weren't breached and even though we argue like an old married couple there is still that humour and lightness from us both. If this kiss was just a kiss then nothing would change and I didn't mind that. I was only giving him what I owed.

Our lips tore away. Looking into his brown eyes I grinned as I pulled his mask back up. "Now we're even." I said. Walking away from his unreadable expression, I was surprised to be yanked back by the arm.

"Now you just gon' do that, I can't let you walk away." His voice was husky, deep, and lowered. My breath caught in my throat; his mask was once again removed for me to gaze his appearance and boy was he handsome. I bit my lip to stop myself from gaping. His strong hands tightened around my arms.

"See, a little lady, like you, can't go kissin' a gentleman like that." He stared deeply in the eye and I couldn't help but melt a little.

"You're a gentleman now?" I questioned, skipping the accusation for strength's sake.

"To you I could be." I smirked at my upper hand.

"You haven't gone soft for little ol' me now, have you?" I teased.

"I've considered it." He replied. His piercing brown eyes were searching. Scanning for something that I wasn't so sure of myself. The gravity of his genuineness fell on me like coal falling out of a mine cart. Oh crap he actually has feeling for me.

"You know, once we've begun, there's no going back." I stated. To me this was a serious matter and it was. If I ever... even for a second, gave myself up to him, let him see the softer side, I'd be ruined. There'd be no going back for me or for him and we knew that. We knew that all too well. Maybe that's why we fit so comfortably.

"I know. But, I know, like you do, that once we've started we'd have the time of our lives." He grinned, showing off his perfect pearly whites as I grinned back. I let out a short laugh full of nerves, bit my lip, and nodded. His grin grew into the first genuine smile I've ever seen him do and let him gently pull me closer.

Gracefully, with as much care I've ever seen him give, his lips claimed my own in the unspoken seal that bound us together. Our hearts beat in a rhythm of one; experiences to be shared, and money to be fair. Our future was now joined forever.

Ahh this was so cute! I literally squealed at my own writing (not to toot my own horn or whatever). I absolutely LOVED writing this. Thanks for reading guys, see you next time!
Also edited this just a bit- grammatical errors and stuff.

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