I Was A Pain In His Arse- Spawn

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Ya know, despite what I do for a living, I gotta say, I don't frequent churches not nearly enough. However, arriving in my beat up rusty Jeep, I gotta thank my lucky stars that demons and the like target the unassuming people in the streets. This place was fucking creepy.

The church held a large and intimidating cross above its entrance, judging those who walked on the grounds. How it held up for so long was a mystery, as it looked heavy and weighted down. The building was black under the half moon with vines and poison ivy climbing its walls. It was like even nature was pushing the building down towards Hell. Nature had good reason. The place reeked of death. More graves were dug up than what was considered normal in my line of work, proving the evidence that demons frequented here a lot. What looked like a very messily dug up grave was really a demon climbing out the soil to wreck havoc on the world. There were about two dozen of these dug up graves scattered about. Great.

Graves serve as a doorway for demons to move to and from Hell. It only took a sacrifice and few chosen words to open the door. Thankfully, it only needed the wordy part and a specific drawing to close it back up. No sacrifices here, thank you.

Despite the gusts of winds tricking the mind into thinking of ghosts (don't think of ghosts, you won't sleep tonight) the night was relatively quiet. Which meant that either the demons are already out and about on Earth or I got here early and in perfect time. Most likely the latter (I'll tap my nose, it's a hunters secret as to how I know that).

The weather seemed to want to set the mood as intense lightning sliced the sky. I wouldn't of minded it if it wasn't for the flash of light to reveal a dark and large figure holding onto the massive cross, looming down to show that they were clearly watching me.

The hulking figure leaped down and landed with a splash of green. I couldn't help but laugh a little at who was standing before me.

I looked at him up and down and flatly greeted with an, "I didn't know it was Halloween." Smirk on top.

"I've encountered you for the third time this week. You stalking me or something?" He crossed his arms, his frown was deep and concentrated. My gaze followed his tensed biceps, my were they juicy, and noticed that not one crease or shift in his suit made an appearance. It truly acted like a second layer of skin.

"As tight as your arse is in that get up, I'm afraid that our delightful meetings have been purely coincidental. Otherwise, you'd see me where ever you go." I flirtatiously winked at him with a playfulness to show I didn't mean it... much. "In all honesty, I can't believe you're here. A-and that show," I pointed to the dark cross. "that was pretty impressive. You got that brooding intimidating thing working for ya just fine, pal."

He scowled, his gruff growl leaking with annoyance. He'd want nothing more than to see this girl walk away. Just walk away once. But no. She wouldn't-stop-interfering.

"You have a habit of getting in my way." He stated. "I suggest you leave now." I rolled my eyes in response.

"Uhh yeah, not gonna happen. You see, there are about 24 odd demons ready to climb out of the literal hell hole they live in and I'm not so inclined to let at least one of them get away. Assuming you're here for the same thing, I 'suggest'," I used his words with the finger quote gesture, "that you let me ride along this merry-go-round."

"The shit-sticks will arrive any minute now and I don't trust you as far as I can throw you. You've been a pain in my ass," His pure American accent prominent, "all fucking week and you've done fuck all to help all three of those times, except get in my way, so beat it!" His voice rose and with it his red cape flapped with more vigour. He was getting angry now, but I couldn't find it in me to care.

"Might I remind you who shot that demon who was clawing for your neck? Who gave you that lovely little tip about a mass possession at that bar? Honey, you ain't giving me enough credit." I crossed my arms and smirked triumphantly. "I'm experienced in the field of the supernatural. I can help." I reassured. Despite my oh-so lovely reminders, the stubborn bastard still didn't budge an inch.

"I'm sure you'd be 'great' help." He squinted his glowing green eyes, unamused.

I grinned, rivalling the Cheshire Cat. "You're a sarcastic little munchkin, aren't 'cha?"

"Cut the shit." His irritation spiked and he stepped closer into my personal space. "You're a liability and if this mission goes tits up I'm pegging the blame on you." His pitch black finger pointed at my heart and his cape gave an extra whoosh to emphasise his point. Glancing up from his finger, mischief danced in my eyes.

Patting him on the shoulder, I neared close to his ear. "I don't hear a 'no'." I whispered. "I guess I'm joining you." I retreated and winked at him. Sauntering away, I missed his small shudder and stunned blink.

A disturbance in the ground caught my attention and I looked down to see a little hole caving in. A blackened decayed hand reached out before an unearthly shriek pierced the air and what was left of the hand (now a bloodless stump) shrunk back into the hole whence it came. I retracted my knife and secured it in my hold. The demons had arrived.

More and more holes appeared in the ground and more hands were reaching up to pull themselves out.

"Welcome to Earth!" I announced, unsheathing another demon knife. "You aren't invited!" I yelled and sliced through a demon who was running at me. Sensing another hand ready to possess me, I twirled around, about to stab it, when a thick chain wrapped around it and squeezed it. The demon shrieked in pain as the chain crushed it to death. What remained was what looked like black smoke quickly retreating to its grave hole. Nodding in thanks to Spawn, I moved onto my next target.

In no time at all, and with a hell of a lot of tight scuffles of demons trying to grab my soul, we finished the battle with a glorious end with a knife to the neck and a bullet to the heart. Throughout the fight I saw Spawn spouting out weapons from nowhere, which made me slightly jealous... slightly.

"Honey, I don't know about you, but I think we make an excellent team!" I exclaimed in excitement.

"Uhh huh." He answered back.

"Did you see when you threw that demon up with your chain and I threw my knife straight in its heart mid-air? That was awesome!" I praised. "We ganked these shitters so fast no other supernatural being would see us coming. We make a great team." I tried to persuade. Throughout my small rant I didn't see him looking at me a little dazed. However, I did notice his distracted state when his arm reached out and his hand (surprisingly smooth) swiped at my face to reveal a line of blood.

"Oh." I pathetically said. "One must've nicked me." He scowled in response. An awkward silence replaced my excited rant where all Spawn did was study my face, his frown sort of slack. He seemed to be thinking... reminiscing something I could never understand. What I didn't know that in my excitement I reminded him of his ex-wife. Not by much. It had been a while since he's seen her so happy. In fact, he hadn't been around positivity in a long while. It was nice to see someone smile up at him.

Spawn snapped out of his thoughts and reverted back to his brooding frown.

"You get yourself into too much shit, hunter-"

"Y/n." I cut him off. "My names Y/n. I-" I awkwardly cleared my throat, "I already know who you are." I replied.

Y/n. So that's who the annoying hunter was. "You're a thorn in my side. Don't make me regret this." He said in his gruff voice. He walked away, finding the new pair of feet next to him a new and odd experience.

"Don't worry, by the end of the week, you'll love me." Secretly, that's what he was worried about. The Hellspawn from another world never thought meeting this cocky overly sarcastic woman would change his life. But, he was ready for change. This change was about as good as it could get.

Grinning widely, I linked my arm with his, ignoring his annoyed scowl. A blooming friendship was born. I just knew it.

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