Smol Town Girl- Part 1- Ermac

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I'd say this one is long. Enjoy the long read!

Once upon a time, a young girl lived in a quaint little village surrounded by hot desert in the middle of Outworld. It was a quiet life, one that the young girl appreciated. Nothing ever happened here. It was safe. 

The young girl was intelligent and ran a small shop all by herself. She was incredibly clever for her age, so much so that it intimidated the villagers therefore, most people would avoid her. That was probably why she had not met a suitor. Most girls her age are married now and some already on their way to childbirth. Marriage was not so desirable to the girl. Despite her many compliments of her beauty, which she accepted graciously, not one man had pleased her interest. They were too boring too dull. All they cared for were their small lives with small responsibilities. Maybe this quiet life was too quiet. However, she made do in this little village and the best part was nothing or no one disrupted her daily schedule. 

This quiet village also seldom had any visitors, so when a strange dark figure floated into the village everyone stirred and everyone stared. 

The first noticeable thing about this strangers appearance was that he floated. It was as if touching the ground would ruin him and being physically higher made him instantly superior from these small people. He wore bandages all around him, more so on his face and what skin could be seen from under his hood looked like it had decayed. The figure wore black and red attire, impressive leather, with a large belt. What made this figure so scary was the green. His eyes shone the same colour green as the green magic that swirled in his hands. He held the green magic with so much control, it was intimidating. 

The villagers were wary. They had never seen a man like this before. 

The figure scanned his whereabouts and merely flitted through the village streets. Not a sound was uttered as he passed. A middle aged man nearly fainted as the dark figure locked eyes with him and floated towards him.

"We want to know your accommodations." The strange figure spoke as if multiple voices spoke at once. The poor man held his broom till his knuckles turned white to stop their shaking and the hair behind his neck stood up. He internally prayed forgiveness to his God for punishing him by having to converse with this dark being. Moreover, he responded. 

"There's a hotel. Jus' down tha' road." He bravely said and with a shaky finger, he pointed at the largest wooden structure in the whole village. "Can' miss it." 

Without a word, but a nod to the man, the levitating thing travelled up. The stares did not faze the man. They were unimportant and disposable. All that mattered was the mission. 

The villagers did not see the new and intimidating figure again for the rest of the day however, not everyone was there to see this newcomer. 


It was a new day for Y/n. However, she knew exactly how today would go. She knew that Mrs Casper would come at exactly 8 o'clock for some eggs, bread and, if she could afford it, two slices of bacon for her and her husbands breakfast. Everyday she is the first customer to come in. Then, at 8:07 Brock and Julie Spires would come in, then the Nickel twins at 8:12, then so on and so forth. The people in this village worked like clock work and many a time Y/n would find herself people watching and noting their characteristics to sate her boredom. 

Y/n woke up extra early today. Before opening the shop she hoped she could strike a trade with Mrs Knightly, hoping to trade some string for her seeds (she knew Mrs Knightly was eyeing that blue string yesterday). 

Walking out with a full basket in hand and heading back home from a successful trade, she quickly noticed the tense atmosphere. More concerned with herself, she ignored it and set her path. As she walked, whispers followed her. 

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