Chance Of Freedom- Kung Lao

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Little drops off water fell onto the metal bars. The plinking of the water had long faded into background noise. The smattering of water droplets had once become a friend, to an enemy, and had now transpired as a nuisance. It was what kept me awake during the nights, had lulled me to sleep, and what I have woken up to in my many years in this tomb.

I'm kept captive here. The reason being my very existence offended the ones who captured me. I have remained knelt down, my knees digging deeper into mud, waiting. Just waiting. I have long since forgotten what I've been waiting for. Perhaps it was salvation or the sudden inspiration to escape. All thoughts of the world above ground have melded together; blurry and unsalvageable.

I had not seen light in years. The dreaded part of me ponders whether I have forgotten what light looks like. The metal bars, wrapped in barbed wire, fail to glint or shine. This mud tomb has coated everything in muck. 

I, myself, was filthy. The floor, walls, ceiling were made of mud. The mud never dried and had taken purchase on every part of my body. Except my mouth. 

My mouth was shut firm in a crudely made muzzle. Many like me wore the same muzzle to keep our mouths shut. The muzzle reminded us that our talk of peace could be silenced. It was a cruel reminder to wake up to every day. The metal dug deep into my jaw, I had accustomed myself to the agonising pain it brought to my gums. My teeth were forced together so hard and tight that blood used to drip onto my tongue and slid down my throat. Pain and isolation is all that I have known for a long tiring while. 

The dripping continued. My head remained bowed. Drip, drip, drip... a scream. What? I cock my head to one side. I didn't hear anything. I must've imagined it. Perhaps isolation has caused me to hallucinate sounds and pictures I thought I lost. But no. There is was again. A cry. A battle cry! There were many of them. 

I rose my head to the mud ceiling, straining to hear any more. What is happening out there?

Shouts and voices got nearer. My heart rate beat rapidly. I had not seen a human in so long that fear gripped my soul. I was afraid. I wanted to shy away from this alien human contact about to arrive.

A crash echoed throughout the cell. My gaze intensely held onto the slight peek of stairs that led to the topside. The usual darkness of mud shone just a shade. Sunlight had broken into the tomb. 

The squelching of steps indicated someone entering. I shook with fear and anticipation. Who, or what, was coming? 

Feet, covered in material, broke the dullness of the mud. They had an accent of blue, the first colour I have seen in so long. 

The figure was a man. He stood composed, but his expression was one of shock. I must look rabid in my current state. 

This man wore and outfit of blue and red and wore the most absurd hat. It was flat and... sharp? 

"By the Elder Gods." He uttered. His stunned shock might have registered with me had I not flinched. His voice was the first thing I had heard in close proximity. My mind struggled to comprehend what was happening. 

He rose his hand to his hat quickly, making me flinch harder than before. I had not expected him to have moved so fast. 

"Hey, it's ok." He soothed his tone into a gentle lull. His voice was openly inviting and warm. Not a frown or flicker of judgement in sight. "I'm here to help. I'm gonna get you out of here." He said. My eyes glossed over with unshed tears. 

Slowly and carefully, he neared the bars so he didn't spook me. He readied his hat to the lock. I wondered, why is he using his hat? He rose his arm and deftly cut the lock. The lock broke with a clang, causing me to violently flinch again, and he pushed the bars out of the way. He struggled a little, the mud had gathered and congealed the metal door to the floor. Finally moving the door away, the stranger turned to the remaining barbed wire blocking his path. 

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