Chapter 3: Connor

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*Connors POV*

This is a long chapter so grab something fun to eat and a blanket.

I woke up to the sound of beeping machines and Tavish standing over me. I looked around "Where the hell am I?" He looked down at me "Heaven" I looked at him angrily. He smiled "the hospital. You got beat up pretty bad by that firework but surprisingly you have no burns but quite a few gashes." I became aware of pain on my temple and my chest as well as a dull ache in my arm. I got up, took off the wires and ripped the IV out. Tavish handed me my standard attire (my black woven belt, blue dark-washed skinny jeans, some random faded t-shirt, black combats and my black leather jacket) and my keys (to a kick-ass black Ford Mustang GT) I got changed and tried to sneak out as best as I could but being a 6'3" guy is just about as good as holding a bright neon saying "guy trying to leave hospital without being discharged over here". Amazingly enough though we managed to get out without anyone so much as batting an eye.

I ran over to my car got in started the ignition and burned rubber. Tavish looked at me and let out a yell of joy. He turn a looked at me "I had forgotten how fun being reckless was. I went home and walked up the familiar steps to my house."long time no see' I said to the house. I pulled out my key and unlocked the door to my house. I opened it and let Tavish in. He took a running start and flopped down on my couch. To him this was home away from home. He grabbed his laptop and opened it as I walked up the stairs. "I'm going to take a shower" I yelled down "Okay" he yelled back. I walked into my room first. My bass still sat where it was untouched for a while but still perfectly in tune. It was a nice black four string.

I walked into my bathroom and looked in the mirror since I hadn't in days. My normally blonde hair was dull and darker, my bright blue eyes were fading to an ash grey. My veins were changing to. They looked darker almost as if there was a different blood in my body now. I went and turned on the shower. I waited a few minutes so it could warm up and then went to test it. It was still cold even though it should have been scalding and then there was pain. Immeasurable pain. I turned the shower off and walked into my room. I took off my ensemble from before and threw on some sweat pants and a batman t-shirt and walked downstairs.
Tavish looked up at me "Hey Connor, what do you think about going to New York for a while?" I looked at him surprised, "Sure why the hell not, I always wanted to go." "ROAD TRIP!" he said loudly.

I went upstairs and started to pack. I looked at my bass and grabbed its case, "Why the hell not," I said to myself. I came back downstair thirty minutes later with my bass and my biggest suitcase stuffed with clothes as well as changed into my normal outfit. I grabbed my car keys and went outside to load up my car. Tavish pulled up in the driveway with his Jeep. "You ready to go?" he asked, "Yea, just on second I gotta grab something". I ran into my house to grab my jacket. I heard the phone ring on my way out but I ignored it, "Damn telemarketers" I said to myself. I knocked on Tavish's window and he rolled it down. "Let's go" "Okay he said back. I got in my car started it up and drove off with him behind me. I looked in the rearview at the house I was leaving. I looked back at the road and turned on my GPS. This was gonna be a long year.


A/N Sorry I haven't posted I a while but I noticed we are over 100 reads. that's insane! Thank you guys so much for reading -Connor

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