Chapter 11: Home Sweet Home

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Maile's POV

A chorus of crashes and yells woke me from my unconsciousness and I sit up slowly while clutching my head in pain.

"Guys?" I ask and hear a response from Connor and Tavish, but not Hannah. I look closely in her cage to see that she wasn't there anymore.

"Where's Hannah?" I groggily ask while sitting up fully in concern.

"They took her for more tests." Tavish and Connor say sadly. Hannah was already a broken mess before. She was tested on the heaviest out of all of us and she had been taken out of the room multiple times, always coming back bloody and crying loudly. The thought of her coming back like that again made me furious.

More crashes sound from outside the door and I can hear Hannah's angry yells. Sounded like she had lost control over her power and the Enforcers couldn't bring her under control. That's when I heard other voices. They sounded like Gregg and Ella, but I couldn't be sure unless I saw them.

Connor, Tavish and I jumped when Hannah bust through the door, wind quickly filling the room with a load roar. Ella and Gregg followed after her, getting to work on busting us out. Gregg put his hands over the lock that held my cage door shut and concentrated on it. I watched as the lock rusted into nothingness and the door swung open. I leaped out from the cramped space and Gregg did the same thing to my handcuffs along with Tavish's and Connor's. Ella kept watch as Connor and Tavish slowly got out of their cells with difficulty from their wounds.

"Where's H-Hannah?" I manage to say. My throat was dry and It felt like my throat was closing in.

We look around to see that she had left the room.

"What the hell? Where'd she go?" Connor questions from behind me.

As if on cue, Hannah's screams could be heard from outside the cage room. Connor and Tavish turned to me.

'Mai we're gonna go find her. Get out of here." Connor said as he hugged me and then ran off, a blaze in his palm. I ran with Ella and Gregg in the opposite direction towards a door.

Connor's POV

I felt the fire building up inside of me as I ran towards the guards. One of them threw a bucket of water, but it vaporized as soon as it came near me. I punched him in the stomach and he coughed up blood.

"This is for my friends you bitch!" I yelled as I slowly lit him on fire and watched him burn a smile plastered on my face. I melted through the door and the scientist stood there shocked and I looked over to see a bloody Hannah with cuts all over her. She was visibly shaking from fear and was too weak to summon her winds. The sight lit a fire within me and I completely lost it. I picked up the scientist by his throat and put him against the wall as Tavish began unhooking Hannah from the table. He picked her up in his arms as I picked up a knife from the table next to Hannah and drew a sharp cut down the scientist's arm smiling at his screams of agony. I felt myself growing hotter and watched as his skin slowly began to char as I stood that close to him.

"CONNOR" I heard Tavish scream. I dropped the man and turned to him to see him standing horrified. I looked down at my hands to see that my entire body was on fire and to see the carnage I had created. The table had been partially melted and I looked at the screen that recorded the temperature. It was 275 degrees in the room. I caught my focus and cooled back down noticing that my shirt had burned completely off and my jeans had blackened at the cuffs. I looked at Tavish and followed him out.

Maile's POV

It felt like we had been waiting for hours before Connor and Tavish came out of the door that lead into the horrible lab. Connor was shirtless, his jeans blackened, and Tavish was carrying Hannah who looked to be unconscious. He walked over towards me and Tavish adjusted Hannah in his arms.

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