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I wake up to a door from downstairs being slammed. At first my mind feels foggy static and floaty . I feel disconnected from everything.

   'where am I ? Why do I hurt so bad? Why can't I move my arms? What's going on?'

   I can't remember where I am or why I am in so much excruciating  pain. I try to move my arms but realize I can't they're being restrained and it makes me start to panic as I tug at the metal cuffs trying to get free. I try activating one for all but it doesn't work either. After a couple minutes everything comes rushing back to me and my quickness of breath quickly turns into a full-blown panic attack. I'm hyperventilating  so bad I can't catch my breath or think. My mind starts racing as I am looking for any way to escape. I yank with all my might on my quirk suppressing cuffs desperately trying to break free. They won't budge so I look around my bedroom looking for my phone hoping I can reach it somehow. I see it on the floor next to my bed so I slide my naked, bruised, and bloody body off the bed till my wrists are yanked by the cuffs. my wrists are still cuffed to my bedpost but my feet reached the phone. using my toes I turn my phone on and click on the first contact I can and send my location with an SOS.
I couldn't see who I texted but I just prayed it was a teacher or All Might just NOT any of my classmates. I just hope the person understood and comes to rescue me even though I can't bear anyone seeing me like this but I can't let that stop me. I have to get away before he comes back and either rapes me again or kills me. It took all the strength I had to send that text. spots are starting to cross my vision as I'm just trying not to black out again. I'm too weak to fight him even if I could get the cuffs off because I haven't eaten in a couple of days. The last time I ate was lunch on Thursday and if I remember right it was Sunday night. We got to take Friday off giving us a three day weekend. I know he told me last night he would be back after he got off work but I didn't know when or if he had changed his plans.
     So he doesn't find out what I did if he came back before a hero found me, I shut my phone off and got back onto the bed. Time felt like it was frozen while waiting to see what would happen. I was in to much pain to keep moving and my wrists were cut deep from me yanking on them. I couldn't stop crying, I just wanted to die, not exist anymore, I knew I didn't deserve All Might's power. He would want me to give it to someone Worthy now that he will see how weak and pathetic I really am. Everything hurt and I was just so dizzy every movement made my head hurt and caused black spots to dance around my vision. I felt so gross, I had blood and cum everywhere. As I weekly struggle to escape his voice keeps running through my head.

(You're my whore, you belong to me, my precious cum dumpster. You were made to pleasure me. Stretching around my dick like it was supposed to. Is my play thing enjoying me inside him. Your squeezing around your masters dick with every thrust. Is my pet trying to milk it's master for my cum. I'm your master now and you well never forget it or your place. You're only allowed to cum for your master and only when I let you. Look now I have to punish you filthy slut.)

'I'm so worthless, how did this happen, I didn't like it please just let me die.'

  I started thinking things like this after the first "love making" as he called it. Why me why did he pick me out of everyone. He would gag me so he can make me scream till I can't make more than a whisper before removing it and making me beg.

   'why can't I just die. please, let me die.'

    Time passed as I disassociated it could have been five minutes or five hours since I sent my sos. I heard the door open and I wanted to scream out, that I'm upstairs but the gag he left in my mouth from last night's torture wouldn't let me and I didn't know who was there. I start shaking because I think it is him again and I can't run or fight leaving me at his mercy.

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