Chapter 2- New Arrivals and Second Chances

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Jessica's P.O.V.

I have no idea what I did. I liked Stiles, he was cute and funny and even if I knew chances were my feelings wouldn't turn into love, I wouldn't actually know unless I gave it a shot, so I asked him to Lydia's party. I thought things were going great until he ditched me with the lamest excuse ever, saying that something was wrong with Scott. Then I had to walk home, which sucked, and the whole time and even now, three days later, all I can think is that I wish Meredith were here.

I may not be big on sharing things but when she's around I feel like I make more sound decisions to make up for her lack of reasoning. Instead, I've been working on a different project that I am deliberately keeping from Klaus, especially after that little stunt at school. Not to mention that I didn't get the chance to talk to Stiles about the party because he was avoiding me and the one chance I got, Klaus distracted me.

I'm debating if I can just graduate now when I hear a sound coming from what I suspect to be the kitchen since it sounds like pans, which has me shooting out of bed in fear that Klaus might try to cook and burn down my very expensive mansion he made me buy, but when I get downstairs, I drop my phone in shock. There, standing in my kitchen, are Meredith and Elijah in the midst of a heated argument.

"Maybe I'm a little upset that I've been walking around the woods all night with you after I just found out that you cheated on me from Hayley instead of you. Maybe I'm pissed that I broke up with you and then got stuck in a universe we can't be sure Jessica and Klaus are in with the only evidence being that I could invite you into this house that had Gilbert on the mailbox. Maybe that's what it is Elijah."

Elijah goes to interject, but I beat him to it. "I told you to tell her, Eli."

Both parties spin on me and, before I can comprehend what is happening, I'm being pulled into a tight embrace by Meredith. "I'm so happy to see you!" She exclaims before processing what I said. "Wait, you knew?"

I nod as I walk around her to grab an apple. "I saw it when I touched Hayley. I wanted to tell you but you guys had already broken up and Caroline assured me that I would only be making it worse. When you guys started getting closer, I warned him to tell you. Guess he didn't heed it." Meredith seems to accept the answer so I bite into my apple. "Have you guys seen Klaus because I was kind of scared he was trying to cook."

They both shake their heads. "When we arrived, we thought it was empty. There was only one car in the driveway. Where could he have gone?" She wonders and I huff.

"School." They both shoot me a surprised look and I shrug. "I had to go back since technically, according to the year, it's 2019 here, meaning that I am 17 so I couldn't get out of it. To annoy me, I can only assume, he's compelled him a position as the math teacher."

"How do you know he compelled it? Maybe he simply applied," Meredith reasons, and I give her a dry look.

"Klaus is terrible at math. He can do addition, subtraction, and basic multiplication. Other than that, he needs a calculator and he doesn't even understand the formulas that we are supposed to be learning for Algebra II."

"Yes, I am surprised my brother wouldn't go for English, he quite enjoys literature," Elijah states and I shoot him a look.

"Because he wanted to make me his TA and he needed a reason for me to not be able to refuse. I agreed so that the people in the class can actually learn. Anyway, I need to get to school," I say, when an idea hits me and I spin on Meredith. "And you are coming with me!" I exclaim, pulling her to my room and getting her an outfit to match mine.

Klaus had told me yesterday that he was coming to the lacrosse practice during free period since, apparently, he doesn't have class then, so in order to talk to Stiles, I need a distraction, which is why I send Meredith to do just that. I watch Klaus look up at her in surprise while she speaks to him angrily and I can tell he's buying it so I make my way to the boys' locker room and wait for Stiles. When I finally spot him, he's in a heated conversation with Scott, who pushes him when he sees me.

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