Chapter 4- Wonderland

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Jessica's P.O.V.

It's been about four days since my fight with Klaus and with the exception of the first night that I stayed at Allison's, I have yet to leave the Stilinski residence. It started the first morning when I woke up and decided to make them breakfast for letting me stay there.

I remembered Stiles saying something about the Sheriff watching cholesterol so I made us all egg white omelets and both men flocked to the kitchen with the smell. "You're cooking," Stiles states, and I laugh.

"Well I figured it's the least I could do after you two were kind enough to allow me to stay here. I happen to be a pretty great cook since my dad was and he taught me everything he knows. You guys didn't have a lot in your fridge so I also ran to the store and bought some groceries."

"How long have you been awake?" Stiles asks.

"Since around 5." I see him glance at the clock that says 7 and turn back to them. "I've been waking up early to run. I used to get my exercise from cheer but you guys don't have a cheerleading team and training girls this late in the season would be a disaster, so running it is."

"You didn't have to do any of this, Jessica," Sheriff Stilinski tells me and I smile.

"Of course I didn't but you also didn't have to let me stay here, so eat up." They both obey and I watch their faces light up as they devour the omelets.

"Oh my God! If this is what it's going to be like every morning, feel free to stay here as long as your fight with Mr. Mikaelson lasts." I laugh and the sheriff studies me.

"If you need a place to stay, you can stay in the guest room if you'd like," he offers.

"We have a guest room?" Stiles wonders aloud before a different thought occurs to him. "Wait, you're going to let her stay here with us? When you are never here?" The sheriff shrugs. "Aren't you worried something will happen between us?"

The sheriff stand up to get ready for work. "No offense, son, but she's a bit out of your league. I don't think I need to worry." Stiles' mouth drops open as he watches his dad walk away before turning to me.

"I don't know if I should be insulted that my dad thinks that you're out of my league so you'd never have sex with me or happy that he doesn't suspect anything."

"Look at the bright side," I suggest before beginning to eat my omelet.

After that morning, I decided to make them breakfast and dinner since Noah, which I've learned is the sheriff's name, said that they haven't had a home-cooked meal since his wife died. Also since that morning, Rebekah and Kol have made it their mission to get me to come home while I've made it my mission to convince Stiles and Meredith to be together.

I know it seems bad but the more time I spend with Stiles, the more I realize that he and Mer are very similar, plus things are getting worse with Elijah. She's been telling me no consistently, which sucks since I spent a whole day convincing Stiles that it would be a good idea, which is why I am overjoyed when she finally agrees. "I do have a condition though."

"What condition?" I question skeptically.

"Well, I know that you are worried about Scott being a wolf and I can keep you up to date with that if I'm with Stiles," she begins and I give her a look.

"This sounds like you are about to ask for a favor."

"I need you to find something to distract Elijah from me. I know that if he keeps trying to convince me, I'll give in and I need to resist. I can't let him hurt me again and I do think you're right about Stiles and me but even if I get with him, Elijah will make it his mission to get in between us. Please, Jessica."

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