Chapter 39- Can't Con A Conwoman

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A/N: Sorry it's taken so long to update. As I stated previously my sister-in-law gave birth on Saturday so I had to take care of my nephew since they won't let my brother back in the room if he leaves and my nephew is a handful so I can't do anything but watch him until I go to sleep so I haven't had the time to watch Teen Wolf or write until tonight but he leaves tomorrow so you may get a chapter tomorrow depending on when they come get him. Thank you for all the reads, votes, and comments, and sorry for the wait. ~J😘😍

3rd Person P.O.V.

3 days after the attack on Scott's house, everyone supernatural, save Jessica, had been attacked by the Oni. Damon, Kol, and Kai had almost died as they had tried to fight the Oni off, not realizing the wounds wouldn't heal. It had seemed to Jessica that the Oni forgot about her since they left her alone for a night, until Stiles went missing. After figuring out where he was after going through the call transcript with Agent McCall, she went with him and Melissa to retrieve the teenage boy, who Jessica had spent the past two days trying to convince Scott was the Nogitsune. By the time they got Stiles to the hospital, Derek was already there so Jessica told him in hopes that he could convince Scott before walking into the hospital only to be surrounded by Oni.

She tried to fight but before she could attack, they had already trapped her in their gaze and Jessica passed out. Derek, who had spent time outside processing what Jessica had told him, found her on his way in and began freaking out. His panic attracted the attention of nurses and doctors, including Melissa. They rushed her to a trauma room and discovered that she had fallen into hypothermic shock. They tried to heat her up but before they could, her heart stopped. Dr. Geyer managed to bring her back but she had fallen into a coma.

The next day, Stiles and Scott returned to the hospital not only to visit Jessica, who Klaus, Alaric, and Damon wouldn't let any of them see, but also so Stiles could get an MRI done to determine if he suffered from the same form of dementia as his mother, neither realizing that it was a result of the nogitsune possessing him. While in the MRI machine, Stiles gives into the nogitsune, who enacts the previously setup plan and cuts the powerline of the hospital so it would fall into the puddle that had been forming. Isaac gets electrocuted saving Allison before Kira, who had arrived with Derek after he took her to the power station to find that Jessica was right about Stiles, could stop it.

Isaac is rushed into the hospital and after doing what they could, he is placed in the ICU where only family can visit or permit, being as he has none, Allison falls asleep in the hallway outside his room after trying to explain that he has no living relatives. She is awakened the next day by Scott and Melissa who arrive to see Isaac. Before they can enter, they hear a familiar voice shouting.

"I don't want to be here, I hate hospitals. I'm fine!" Shouts Jessica.

"You died, Jess. Your heart stopped beating. Do you understand that?" Alaric questions, making her roll her eyes.

"Yeah, but guess what Ric, it's beating now. It's not going to stop beating if I leave this god awful place where I can't sleep because I keep hearing the whispers of the dead," she explains, as the trio makes their way into the previously barred room.

"Jessica, you're awake!" Allison exclaims before rushing over to her and hugging the fellow brunette, making Jessica smile.

"What are you guys doing here?" Jessica asks once the two pull apart.

"Isaac got electrocuted in an attack by the nogitsune last night. You were right Jessica, it was Stiles," Scott reveals, shocking his mother.

"I know and if he thought about it, he would've too. I figured it out the day after the blackout party. He was telling us about the key that he had the day before and even that morning but then it was gone and he couldn't remember where it came from or went. The same thing happened to Ric when he was being possessed by his alter ego. I knew that it wasn't Stiles' evil alter ego since that only happened as a result of repeatedly cheating death so I had to figure it out. Once I found out what the Oni were, I knew. I wouldn't have told you if I wasn't sure."

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