Chapter 25- Lending a Hand

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Klaus' P.O.V.

I was sitting in the living room of the spacious apartment I had rented with the eldest Salvatore, when Jessica called. After she lost her memories of us, we had moved out and each gotten hotel rooms but after a couple weeks of trying to get Jessica to remember, she revealed that with every kiss and sexual encounter she would receive flashes of memories and one of those flashes was me cheating on her with Tatia and Damon cheating with Katherine and then trying to kill Jeremy. As a result, Jessica wasn't very happy with either of us and broke it off. We both spent a couple of weeks trying to get over Jessica, when our paths crossed again.

It started out as a mutual infatuation with Jessica and eventually bloomed into an actual friendship. I had always thought Stefan better than Damon because he made me feel as though I wasn't a monster, as Jessica had done so many times throughout my lifetime. As it turns out, even if I hate to admit it, Jessica was correct and I have much in common with Damon and he doesn't judge me or see me as a monster because all the things I've done, he's done as well. Once we became friends, we determined that if we worked together, we could get Jessica back in our lives, which is how we came to live together.

It's also how he came to be sitting in the passenger seat of my car as I drive to Beacon Hills' preserve to meet with Jessica. I pull in and see Jessica waiting for me at the gate. As soon as we step out of the car, I hear her groan. "You brought him, seriously?"

"He heard the phone call and simply wished to help," I retort as I take in how beautiful she looks in the moonlight. The white light it gives off reflects on her brown iris making them appear caramel and even if I can't see it in the darkness, I know that her skin has a glowing tan on it from the hours I spend in class trying not to stare and focus on her. As it is, I can feel myself growing in my pants as I remember the way her body feels under mine and I discreetly adjust my jeans and clear my throat. "You said you needed help but you failed to mention with what."

She glares at me and I smirk as she rolls her eyes. "It's not really me that needs your help, more Derek and Scott. Derek's missing Betas were kidnapped by a pack of Alphas and he took Scott and me on a rescue mission. Well, Erica was already dead but they somehow managed to find and capture his younger sister, Cora, who was supposed to be dead, and locked her and Boyd in a vault that scatters the moonlight so when we broke in it let in the first bit of moonlight they'd seen in like 3 months.

"They tried to kill us so Allison broke the mountain ash barrier and they escaped. Now they are running around, probably killing everyone they come into contact with, so it would be like super great if you could use your werewolf abilities to help track them down."

"What can I do?" Damon chimes and Jessica rolls her eyes at him as she sighs.

"I don't know but when you find them I need both of you to hold them down so I can compel them to control the shift."

"Why couldn't you do it when you were in the vault?"

"Because they aren't human, they are rabid. I need some kind of tether that lets me get into their head like how you need to maintain eye contact." Damon and I nod our heads as Jessica's phone chimes with a message. "Derek sent me their location so follow me, I guess." We obey as she begins running into the woods. We end up in some clearing that has a fallen tree lying at the edge of it. Jessica strolls over to it and takes a seat before turning to Derek expectantly.

"Stiles just called Scott. Apparently, Boyd and Cora killed someone at the pool," he states in distress as Jessica shakes her head.

"Nope, it couldn't have been them. They can't move that fast and they haven't gone in that direction. If I had to take a guess, I'd say whoever went after Stiles' friend Heather got whoever died in the pool. Stiles thinks it's the alpha pack."

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