Chapter 4, you're a dork.

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Carta swung back wards, her leg grazing my knee. She looked so shocked her arm went out trying to grab something, anything really. Her eyes screamed for help.
I reached out and grabbed her wrist as fast as I humanly could (which was very fast, not to brag) and pulled her to me with more strength than I intended to use. She swung toward me, still very off balance, and fell against my chest with a hollow thud

She groaned and rubbed her wrist, getting off my lap as fast as they could.

"You didn't have to grab me, I was fine on your own." She was red with embarrassment from the fall and from landing in my lap. Most people left already, and the few that were still in here stared her down. Catra would be mad if word got around she of all people needed saving. Typical Horde tuff guy act.

"Whatever you gotta tell yourself to preserve your ego, kitty cat," I smirked at her and picked up my bag.

She got redder and just grumbled and started to walk out of class. I hurried after her, I really didn't want to talk to her, but I didn't not want to talk to her. My feet just moved before I could think rationally.

She groaned and started walking a little slower, " I was hoping you wouldn't go after me, but since your here, I doubt you'll leave, so there is no point in trying to run away from you" She pushed some hair out of her eyes and dug her nails into her palms.

The hallway was draftier rham normal, and 
I got kinda cold. The wind from the traffic of people in the hallway brushed against my skin, making it worse. I swung my letter man jacket on hitting Catra in the nose with the heavy leather sleeve.

"Catra, I'm so-"

I was cut off by her laughing.

"You're a big dork, ya know that?" She smiled at me and laughed a little more.

I joined in on the laughter. Pretty soon, everyone who passed us was staring at us. It was unlikely pair to see us waking together. Some people wispered, but most probably thought it was cause im trying to be nice. It was my job, but I genuinely liked her company.

I really did like being around her; it's like we just kinda clicked even though we were polar opposites. But I'll keep that to myself. She has too big of an ego already without her knowing that.

"I'm mean like how the hell did a goody two shoes silly dork become the most popular person, like on the planet? Seriously, you're basically an adorable puppy!" She laughed some more, we where running out of breath at this point.

"And how the hell did a dorky soft kitty that can't sit in a chair correctly get such a tough guy reputaion? " I laughed so hard I thought she could pull a throat muscle or something

She stopped laughing and got kinda mad for a second, until she looked over at me, seeing I was still dying. I had a tear coming from my face and started coughing at how hard I was laughing. She smiled a little.

"Whatever, Princess," she said condescendingly, but her smile and eyes offset the venom in her voice.


We calmed down by the time we got into Chem. She grabbed my wrist and yanked me over to a dark skinned boy with a crop top and a girl I could only describe as "sparkles." She sat down at their lab table and patted the seat next to her.

" This is Bow, and this is Glimmer! They are the friends I told you about! " Adora beamed.

"So nice to meet you! What's your name? Are you new? When did you become friends with Adora?" He smiled and fidgeted. "Adora already said my name, but I'm Bow."

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