Chapter 36, Calm before the storm (pride special tha im late on)

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I woke up to Adora rubbing my back gently in the midst of a very bright and flashing chaos. Bow was running around like a chicken with his head cut off. Lonnie and Rogelio where playing monkey in the middle with a bag of the gay shit I bought with Adora. Sea Hawk was helping Mermista with her make up, which looked really good because, let's be honest Sea Hawk sucks at everything.

"You're awake! Get dressed, we are going down town" Adora smiled and put on her Pan hat we bought at Hot Topic.
She practically dragged me to the bath room and forced me into a freezing shower, not even noticing I had clothes on.

I stripped out of my now wet work pants and bra and quickly took a shower. At some point my bag of gay shit ended up in the bathroom with me while I showered. I put on my hat backwards instead of combing my hair and slid on some of my new novelty boxers. I slid my still damp bra over my head and stepped out into the hallway. I snatched the bag from behind me and walked into the living room tiredly.

"Can someone please explain what the fuck is going on?" I groaned as Glimmer let out a shriek .

She clapped her hands over Frosta's eyes and scowled at me. I smiled and gave her some finger guns.

"We are going to the university today. They put on a little carnival to celebrate pride every year! So get dressed cause you can't go down there like...that" Lonnie laughed under her breath and gestured at me.

"Since you all obviously went home, did you get any of my actual clothes so i can't be dressed like.... This" I gestured down at my lack of clothing as Perfuma pointed to what I assume was Adora's bedroom.

I gave them all a sarcastic salute and disappeared behind the door. I pulled on some Kahki straight leg pants with holes in the knees and the rainbow vans shirt me and Adora bought together. I sighed and put back in my hat, to look at my self in the mirror.

That's when a pair of heavy arms hugged my waist.

"Hey Adora" I smiled and kissed her cheek .

"Hey kitty.... I was thinkin' bout coming out today" she mumbled into my shoulder.

"Okay" I shrugged and pulled the waist band of my boxers above the top of my pants.

"What if people hate me?" She hugged me tighter.

"Who cares? The people you care about already told you they love you no matter what. As long as you have them you'll be okay" I grinned and squirmed out of her grip to face her, " And besides, if anyone does, I will actually kill them and tie them up on a flag pole during lunch "

She smiled and kissed my nose.

"That's scary but endearing, but I guess you're right about the friends part" She sighed and grabbed my hand," C'mon, Bow, Glimmer and Frosta are waiting in my car "

I laughed as she pulled me to the door. I hardly had time to grab my vans before she yanked me out the door, locking it behind us. We scurried to her car through the morning dew. I hopped into the passenger seat as Adora slid into the drivers side.

It was a short and eventful drive. At some point Frosta ended up in the trunk of the moving vehicle, which nearly made Adora crash us into a tree. Bow and Glimmer where messing with Glimmers expensive camera so much then only one that notice was Adora.

After the short hellish drive was completed,We pulled into a crowded parking lot a block away from campus. Everyone flooded out of the vehicle, except me who regretted wearing long sleeve and pants in the heat.

I slowly excited the care and strolled toward the group. As soon As I reached within ear shot, everyone took off running,except Adora who was trying to drag me behind her like I was some tractor attachment.

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