Chapter 17, shes so bright

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I don't know much....anything about soccer, but Catra was killing every one! She tackling and taking it to the other end of the pitch easily. She scored a corner kick off a header, anf a crazy long range shot from the left side line. I mean she already had three or four points in the board at the half. I think that is a lot, because professional women's games usually get like 6 points total for the whole team.

She was sweating like crazy, and panting really hard when she walked back into the locker room. Her hair was soaking with sweat, and her body seemed limp, but her eyes where determined and relentless. Mermista and Frosta where patting her back as she was walking in. She had bandages rapped around her left hand. They where covered in dirt and stained by the grass. She limped into the locker room and put of my sight.

"Drool much?" Lonnie threw a piece of popcorn at me.

"Shut up" I groaned and turned back to the field.

"Ah?! I was right! Adora does like her!!" Bow and Glimmer squealed and held each other .

"I swear to god, if by don't shut up right now I'll -"

" Damn, you're right Bow she does" Kyle chuckled and smiled at me," You guys would be an adorable couple!"

"Even if I did like Catra, which I DON'T. She is mad at me." I leaned against the fence .

Lonnie, Rogelio, Scorpia, and Kyle laughed.

"She is just messing with you, she hasn't been mad at you since after the party. She thinks it's funny when your flustered." Scorpia laughed as the team's came back out .

Had it already been 10 minutes?!

"Just can it, it's starting soon?" I sighed and looked onto the pitch.

Catra was stretching her left knee, which I assume is why she was limping. She had a cooling towel around her neck and her hair was a little dryer. Frosta looked to over heated. She was bright red. Mermista looked completely fine. She was sweating, sure, but she looked ready to go and fresh.

The game took off at the same speed as before, except the North Ridge Frozen Nights where going for the throat. They targeted her every second the got. They would trip her or run into her. Each time she seemed to be in more pain. She was taking constant elbows to The face and tackles targeting her left leg. They technically where clean, so the red couldn't call it.

The team had stolen it from Mermista again, but Frosta tackled the ball and cleared it up the field to Catra. She was in the penalty box and sent the ball flying with a cool looking sideways volley, just at a girl slid into Catra's left ankle. The ball splashed in The back of the net as Catra collapsed.


She rolled on to her back hugging her knee to her chest. She stared at the sky. The officials blew a whistle and the coach came running on to the field. The ref kicked the girl out of the game. She smiled and high fived the bench as she left the field and went into the locker room.

I'm gonna kill her.

Catra closed her eyes so tight and grabbed the grass. The coach said something I couldn't hear and I could tell she was arguing with them. She stood up and put her arm around Entrapta and hopped to the bench. She looked pissed. Her jaw was clenched and her eyes where on fire.

Scary again.

The game was called back into play, but now with Mermista in her position and a girl I don't know playing her position.

Frosta scored the penalty got that was supposed to be taken by Catra. Everyone celebrated, but I could only watch her grip the bench while Entrapta took off her cleat and socks. It was bruising really badly, and she had a gash on her calf. Entrapta inspected it and game over to me.

"It's not broken. She sprained it and she has a gash. Other than that and dehydration, she's fine." She turned and went back to the bench. Catra had a bandage on the cut and ice on her foot. The assistant coach lead her into the locker room.


That. Little. Bitch.

Was that really necessary, I mean your down by five with ten minutes left?

Why the hell tackle my ankle?! Your gonna lose no matter what!

I climbed into the shower and washed off some sweat. I put on a tank top and my new soccer hoodie over it. I hopped into some basketball shorts. Coach left me some crutches and told me to come back out when I am ready.

I put on one of my slides and shoved everything into my bag angrily. I slung it over my shoulder and stepped back out. My hair was wet and just hanging loosely in my face.

I hate having a middle part.

There was less than a minute now. Frosta scored her free kick and I think Mermista scored because the score jumped from 4 to 6. They had scored 2 points since I went in, but I think Mermista is gonna score again. She was up the pitch in the left side, she got tackled but quickly recovered the ball. She back passed to Frosta who scored another goal off a volley. I looked up at the mostly empty bleachers to see Adora's friends screaming.

She was just standing, looking at me. I smiled a little through my pain and she smiled back. The game was over. Every one jumped into the field. And then a group hug commenced, but I just stayed on the bench, where I'm gonna stay for at least the next week.

"Hey" Adora sat next to m me and smiled.and

What's she doing here? She should be with her friends, they just scored!

"You would go hype up your friends, I'm fine, don't worry" I smiled back as convincingly as possible.

"Lonnie is gonna put your bike in Scorpia's truck, and your riding home with me. Okay?" I groaned ," You don't have a choice by the way. "

I groaned and she smiled.

She stood up and offered me a hand.

This is weird, usually in the one helping blonde up. It feels... Wrong.

She put her head under my arm and walked me off the pitch.

She so....I dunno.... Bright.

I leaned my was in her shoulder and smiled to myself.

Hate her or not, she is here, and I don't get a say.

Im not gonna post on a schedule for the next couple days. It'll be random and sporadic with no defiant ball park upload time. I think i broke my toe, and i got marching band practice. I really am just focusing on that. Also, HAPPY PRIDE. My lonely ass is gonna be watching a telenovela on the couch with my dog all month because my gay lonely ass is single. But hopefully y'all have a great time 🌈👌

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