Chapter 43, full circle.

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(Alas this is the last chapter. There are more slurs in this than usual and and a little teensy bit of violence, so sorry about that. Longer chapter, sorry but whatever. I love y'all so much, and honestly I was kinda crying while writing this A/n Cause I've never had people to support me like I have from total strangers over a kids show. Anyway, enjoy the final chapter, all the art will be out really soon after of you want that load of crap💖😭)



Bow and Mermista pushed me into the decked out gym, Perfuma following slowly so she could compliment everyone. It seemed like She would stop every three feet to start a conversation with a random person, which was making us even later on top of my hair scandal from earlier.

"Hurry up will you? We are already late thanks to you being a drama queen!" Mermista groaned, shooting me an accusatory looks before wondering towards the punch bowl.

"It's not my fault you have unrealistic expectations for my damn hair!" I crossed my arms in frustration," How you became captain of the soccer team is beyond me."

"Can we all just vibe?!" Perfuma tried to get inbetween us to no avail.

"Can you shut it Flower dumb ass?! That's a low blow Adora, but it's whatever." She shrugged, shooting me one last glare before stepping on to the dance floor.

I grabbed a cup of punch lazily and took a sip, still annoyed about the Mermista conflict.

How can she think this is my fault? It was an accident that I fried my hair. Maybe she is right though, if I woulda asked then I wouldn't have fried my hair and we wouldn't be late...

Some star student, kick ass athlete I am. I ruined the night because I don't know how to work a flat iron...

hopefully this doesn't get worse...

Bow gently shook my shoulder, ripping me from my trance. I let go of the red solo cup that I had crushed. The red sticky punch that was left in the cup drizzled down my hands like when raindrops drop down your window on long car rides as a child. I tossed the cup and away with a groan and wiped my hand off with some nearby napkins. I looked up at Bow with a yawn to see him alive as ever for it being 10:46 and still being at school.

"Let's find Double Trouble, Scorpia, and Glimmer, they got here early I think, and maybe you'll see miss dark and brooding in the crowd!" Bow smiled at me endearingly as he grabbed my arm and pulled me onto the dance floor.

I dragged my feet and followed the tan boy. It was easy to spot the mountain of a woman, Scorpia, over the heads of us mear mortals. We made our way to her slowly, pushing through the crowds of moody teenagers.

"Hey Bow!" Glimmer shouted and slid over to us , pulling Bow into a tight hug. I was completely if need by the girl , which kinda stung, but that is her date af tree r all and I do the same thing to them when Catra is around.

They where busy complimenting each other while Scorpia and Perfuma tried there best at flirting but where failing miserably. I scanned the room for Catra, but I could not see her amongst the pulsing crowd. I sighed to myself when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I looked up hopefully to see if it was my girlfriend, but it was just DT probably looking for drama.

Greeaat... Now I gotta deal with drama probably.

"Hello darling, don't look to happy to see me... If your looking for Miss short dark and brooding, she's in the corner complaining and being a cock block for Lonnie. Please go get your girl, as much as I love that kitten, it's really ruining the mood," They sighed dramatically and looked at me from the corner of their eye," Honey you think I'm joking? I'm serious, get your girl!"

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