Chapter 16, you look gay.

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 Catra's pov

I can't stay mad at her forever...but I can at least tease with her and piss her off bit.

Adora was blushing terribly. I smiled and just watched her get more and more embarrassed. She glanced at me and I made eye contact, but nothing was said.

I really wish this was a Horde bash or I wasn't doing this for Scorpia, because I want to fight. Not anyone in particular. Just fight.

The rest of the game went on much more light heartedly. Bow made a huge spectical of kissing me when it was his turn again. It was funny, since her was basically a fan boy of mine. He called me "king Catra". We all laughed after it was over. Adora seemed a little annoyed, but I was supposed to be teasing her, so I didn't mind.

Sea Hawk finally got Mermista. We all laughed when she gagged at him afterwards. He pumped his fists triumphantly. It was a fun time. I yawned under my breath, covering it with my destroyed hand.

"It's getting late...y'all should start heading out, but you should come to our game tomorrow at 2" Frosta said practically shoving everyone out of the house .

Lonnie and Me where walking back to Scorpia's truck. Me and Lonnie where trash talking each other when I rolled up my sleeve to have a fake fight.

Shit. I still have her jacket...

I scanned the area for her obnoxious red jeep. Bow was pulling out of the drive way slowly and turning into the road.

I sprinted up to th car and slid across the hood.

Hey, I'd be a sexy ass spy. It couldn't be hard.

"Hey Adora" I grinned through the windshield at them.

She had a bag of beans on her face. She quickly threw them out the window. Bow screamed a high pitched....thing. Glimmer laughed her ass off at the others reactions.

I got off the hood and picked up the bag.

I tossed her jacket through the window, " Wow, I love 'Great Value Green Beans'", I walked closer to the window and handed her the bag.

"Thanks" she smiled at me. It was an odd smile cause her jaw was swollen.

I lifted her chin to see it better. I ran my thumb over it, and smirked. Adora blushed a dark red and winced a little in pain.

"Hey get a room!" Glimmer yelled from passengers seat .

"Yeah yeah, and Adora I just wanted you to know you look like absolute shit," I laughed and waved with my burned and severely bruised hand .

Adora kinda gasped but didn't say anything. They drove off as I walked back to the truck.


I woke up the next morning with my jaw on fire. It was a dark shade of blue, and the cut on my lip was scabbing over.

Geez, I look like I got hit by a bus.

I ran my hand over it a few times and forced myself into a shower. The lukewarm water felt great on my skin, but my jaw burned like it was on fire every time a drop of water touched it.

I turned it off off and combed through my hair. I pulled it into my signature pony tail and walked back into my room. I snatched an old tank top out of my closet and slipped it on. It was checkered red and white with the vans log on it. I sighed and slid in some khaki cargo shorts. Then my phone buzzed.

Glimmer: we are all meeting at my house before the game

Me: cool, should I bring anything?

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