Chapter - 2

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Jason POV

The three of them sat motionless for a moment. Jason was bracing himself of a hurricane of questions when suddenly Jace burst into laughter.

He laughed so hard he fell of the chair. Alec and Julian merely chuckled.

"Right.... So you are, half human half God?" Jace asked, once he recovered.

"Yes" Jason replied.

"Prove it." Alec said with a smirk.

"And show us to what extent you're powers are capable of. No going easy on us" Julian said.

All the demigods smirked, and got up from their seats.

"Let's go to the training ground then" Piper said.

Piper POV

Well, this was going to be interesting, Piper thought. Those guys were in for a real show.

"Lets start with the uhh.... Simpler powers." Percy proposed.

"Why is that?" Alec asked, crossing his arms.

"The other powers, such as mine, are more destructive" Jason explained.

Jace and Alec snorted, while Julian raised his eyebrows. But they relented. Oh great, that meant she was the first one to go, Piper thought.

"Pipes!!! Would you do the honors?" Jason asked.

"Sure!" She said, stepping forward.

"I'm Piper, Daughter of Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, Beauty and Doves
I have an... Ability known as Charmspeak and I am 15 years old."

"What does it do?" Julian asked curious.

"Oh dam... They're in for a real treat" Leo said, making the other demigods snicker and chuckle.

Piper inwardly chuckled.

"I need a volunteer" She spoke up.

Jace pushed Alec forward. He turned back and glared at Jace. He shrugged. Alec sighed, rolling his eyes and walked towards Piper.

Piper stared at Alec dead - in the eye, despite the sheer height difference.

"Would you be a darling and roll on the ground like a puppy?" She said, pouring Charmspeak into her words.

"There's no way he's gonna" Julian started.

"There's no way I'm gonna" Alec said at the same time. Unfortunately for him, he wasn't immune to Charmspeak.

Alec flopped on the ground, and rolled on his back. He held his hands out like a puppy and started barking, cute, adorable barks.

All the demigods, including Piper, burst out laughing. Percy fell to the ground, still caught in a fit of laughter.

Jace and even the stoic Julian, burst out into laughter, clutching their sides and staggering backwards.

Alec shot up, glaring at everyone around him. He scrambled and stalked towards Jace.

"If you say a word of this to Izzy or anyone, by the angel I swear... " Alec said threateningly. Piper only had time to think, "who was Izzy?" When it was time for the next person.


Alec POV

That was terribly embarrassing, Alec thought. He was the Consul, for Angel's sake. If Jace or Julian or any of these.... Demigods told someone, he'd personally hunt them down and return the favor. He'd need Piper by his side though. That girl was seriously gifted.

Angel's Blood and God's power - Percy Jackson and Shadowhunter mashupWhere stories live. Discover now