Chapter - 3

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Alec POV

"Let's introduce ourselves again" Julian said.

"I'm Julian Blackthorn, and I'm 18 years old"

"Jace Herondale at your service. 21 years of pure hotness standing right before you" Alec rolled his eyes.

"Alexander Lightwood. I'm here to make sure my idiot Parabatai doesn't kill himself" Julian chuckled.

"What's a Parabatai?" Percy asked.

"We'll tell you soon" Julian spoke up.

"We're known as the Nephilim, or also more commonly called shadowhunters. You may have heard of us if you have read the Bible." Alec started slowly.

"Long ago, demons from other realms invaded and almost destroyed this world. A man called Jonathan, summoned the arch angel, Raziel. Raziel gave Jonathan his blood, and hence was the first Shadowhunter formed. We are named after Jonathan, whose last name is shadowhunter"

Demigods stared dumb-founded at the three Nephilim. Oh their looks were precious, Alec inwardly laughed.

"Ok... So, do you have... Some powers?" Hazel asked, breaking the silence.

"We can't do 'magic' as such. However, we have angelic runes, that enhance our skills" Jace said, shrugging.

"I need a demonstration" Thalia said, glaring at each of them.

Oh boy, here we go, Alec thought.


Frank POV

The sea green-eyed guy, Julian smirked. What are they up to?

"The honors?" He asked.

"Come on, roll up your sleeves" Alec said, taking out a short stick like object.

"What are you doing? Why are you drawing on him? What is that freaking thing?" Leo asked, meddling with his tool belt.

"It's a stele, and you will see" Julian replied.

Once Alec finished... Drawing on him... He stepped up.

"Right now, I have a rune called the 'heightened speed rune'. We just call it the speed rune"

Before anyone could ask questions, he took off at lightning speed. Despite everyone having ADHD, they couldn't track his movement. In a split second, Julian re-appeared in front of them. Everyone gasped. It's not possible for even a demigod to move that fast!! How did he do it?

"What the heck??? How did you run so fast?" Percy asked, dumb founded.

"It's the rune, it increases my speed" Julian smirked.

"Well.. My turn. I am not going to show any more runes, however, I M excellent with the sword. If I do say so myself" Jace said.

"Who's the best with a sword here?" Jace asked.

"Hey guys!! Did I miss something?"

" Hey Wise-Girl. These are shadowhunters. From the Bible. Guys, this is Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena, goddess of Wisdom. They've challenged the best swords man" Percy said.

"Gods!! Percy is the best swords man in 300 years!! You don't stand a chance!!" Frank said.

How can they beat him?".

"I don't care. Let's go" Jace said. He looked a little smug.

Well, looks like it shapes out to be an interesting duel, Frank thought.


Percy POV

Percy didn't want to hurt that guy. Jace slowly started circling him, twirling his sword carelessly like he's done it a million times.

Percy uncapped Riptide. Jace whistled.

"Fancy sword" He said.

"I try" Percy shrugs.

Percy striked first, slashing at Jace's right. He twirled gracefully away, and feinted to the left. Percy copied. Jace clanged his sword against Riptide. He tried to disarm Jace, but suddenly Jace jerked backwards. He leaped above Percy and flipped in mid-air.

Thanks to his ADHD, Percy could track his movements. But he couldn't see Jace coming up and thrusting his sword downward. He had just enough time to block the move. Percy staggered back.

Gods, not that he'd admit it, but Jace was good. More than good, he was as good as Percy.

"Nice!! Haven't had an opponent that good since Sebastian" Jace said, sweating a little.

"Me neither. You're pretty good" Percy said, blocking an attack from Jace.

"Not too bad yourself kid" Jace said, smirking. He blocked Percy's forward jab, and slashed upwards, towards his head.

Percy spun, trying to confused Jace as to what he was doing. It worked for a few seconds. Jace caught wind of what he was doing, and matched his movements.

"They're pretty good!!" Nico whispered, in awe of what was happening.

"I haven't seen a fight this good!!" Annabeth said, albeit a little grudgingly.

Percy blocked another move, panting a little. He was going to tire out soon, and it looked like being half angel gave the shadowhunters extra stamina.

Lightbulb moment. Percy took on the defensive, slowly stepping towards the lake, while still engaging Jace.

"Nice job Seaweed Brain" Annabeth murmured.

The moment he stepped in water, his energy came flooding back. Percy's speed kicked in. He feinted and before Jace could counter his movements he disarmed Jace and pushed him to the ground.

"Percy that's not fair!! You stepped in water!!" Jace said, glaring at Percy.

"No one said don't use your powers!!" Percy said, chuckling despite exhaustion.

"By the way kid.. " Jace said staring at Percy.

"What??" He asked.

"I never lose" He said smirking.

Before Percy could understand what Jace meant, Jace flipped over, pushing Percy to the ground, while knocking his sword away.

"Ok ok fine!! A draw!!" Percy said, raising his hands in submission.

"Better" Jace said, walking towards Alec, giving him a high five.

Percy rubbed his hands, a little sore. Gods, that was an awesome work out.

"Nice job Kelp Head!!" Thalia said.

"Awesome!!" Jason said, coming over to him and giving him a bear hug.

This was going to take a while

Angel's Blood and God's power - Percy Jackson and Shadowhunter mashupWhere stories live. Discover now