Chapter - 9

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Emma POV

Oh great, its our turn, she thought.

"Our story starts when I was 12. My parents were murdered when Sebastian invaded our home. Everyone thought he killed them. But I knew better. Fast forward to last year, a series of murders happened all across LA. Julian, Christina and I were approached by faeries. They gave us a line, that was etched on the bodies before they were taken. The faeries wanted us to deliver the murderer to them in exchange for....Mark. Mark was taken hostage as a hunter."

The demigods looked confused when she said hunter, but she continued on.

"It took us a while to decipher the lines, but when we did, I figured out who the murderer was" She shuddered as memories came back.

"Malcolm Fade. He was a warlock, and one of our closest friends, and he betrayed us. He captured Julian's youngest brother for a sick sacrifice. He was trying to raise his girlfriend from the dead. Anabelle Blackthorn. She was Julian's ancestor. He almost succeeded, but we stopped him. I killed him, or at least, I thought I did. Meanwhile, Julian and I were falling in love. It was forbidden to fall in love with your Parabatai."

Percy interrupted.

"Again, what are Parabatai?"

Everyone chuckled. This is going to take a while, she thought.

"Parabatai are.... I don't know how to describe it it's...." Emma started.

"They are two bonded warriors, sworn to protect each other until death. It's almost like platonic soulmates" Julian cut in.

Percy looked plain confused. Emma sighed. Their ADHD and Dyslexia were really hard to cope up with.

"Kelp head. Two people, whole life bonded warriors, almost like marriage except for lovey dovey feelings. Got it?" Thalia snapped.

She chuckled. Looks like this happens often enough for them to be annoyed.

Realization dawned on Percy's face. He nodded, gesturing for her to continue.

"Thanks Thalia. Anyway, I tried to 'pretend' to date Mark, to lessen Julian's feelings for me. Then we found out that Malcolm wasn't actually dead. He was alive, and had the Black Volume of the Dead. Around that time, Kieran was kidnapped, and was supposed to die. Mark, Julian, Christina and I went after him. Malcolm attacked the LA Institute while we were gone, and our Tutor Diana took Julian's siblings to the London Institute for protection. But.... Arthur, our uncle, sacrificed himself for our safety. Annabelle was back from the dead. Long story short, we persuaded Annabelle to speak on front of the Council. But... We... "

She broke off, tears gathering at the corners of her eyes. Julian stiffened. She couldn't think about Livvy... Not now.

"It's ok Emma. We don't need to know. You don't need to tell us" Piper spoke, looking concerned.

"No... No.... During that gathering, Anabelle... She killed our sister." Emma forced it out. There. Hopefully she wouldn't have to talk about that again. The goth kid, Nico had a look of quiet understanding. Did his sister die too?

She continued with their story, Julian and Mark occasionally piping in if they thought she missed something. After a while, she stopped.

"And that's our story".

The demigods nodded, looking mildly impressed to their jaws hanging open.

" That's enough for today. I want to train, so if you guys could show us the way?" Reyna said, standing up. She looked like a leader, her back straight with a neutral expression on her face. Her stare made Emma want to bow down and do whatever she says. Come to think of it, Percy, Annabeth, Nico and Jason had similar expressions. More intense in Percy's case.

Emma nodded.

"Actually, I'll be heading out to the lake. I want to train there. If anyone wants to join me, feel free" Percy said, stretching.

"I'll come." Nico, Thalia and Jason said.

"I'll join too. I want to see your powers in action." Mark and Clary spoke at the same time.

"If Clary's going then I'm going too" Jace piped in. Emma nodded.

"I'll stay here"


Thalia POV

Thalia wanted to see what the other Shadowhunters trained like. Mark and Clary led the way, while Jace was chatting with Percy. Those two had already become best buds.

"I'm just saying that knives are about as good as swords!" Jace said.

"Nuh uh. No way. Swords are way better. It's like your limb" Percy retorted playfully.

"Atleast with knives you can take out long distance enemies! Swords are dumb for that reason"

"Hah!! Says the person who hasn't even used Riptide!!"

Jason groaned, and moved over towards Thalia.

"Please tell them to stop. My head can't tolerate any more" He pleaded with her.

Thalia chuckled. "Tell them yourself bro"

"You know Percy would wallop me right?"

Thalia was saved from answering when they finally reached the lake. Percy let out a whoop of delight, and dived into the pool, with his clothes on.

Clary let out a little shriek.

"He's going to get wet!!!" She exclaimed.

Jason smirked.

"You're talking about th son of the Sea. He can keep himself dry. Meanwhile... Sparring?"

Thalia noticed Jace looking around frantically.

"What's wrong?"

He jumped, and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. Mark smirked. What was going on?

"Mr. Herondale here, has a 'reasonable' fear of... Ducks."

Jason and Thalia stared for a minute, then broke down in heaps of uncontrollable laughter. Jason was on the ground, rolling back and forth. Thalia clutched her stomach, trying to push back the pain as she choked out words in between her laughter.

"You.....are scared....of ducks??!!"

"What's wrong?" Clary asked, jogging backwards.

"Your scared of ducks?" Jason asked, still chuckling every now and then.

Clary groaned, an amused smile stretching across her face.

"Don't even get me started on..." She started.

Nico shouted, immediately drawing Thalia's attention.

"THALS!!! JASON!!!" He shouted.

Jason and Thalia immediately rushed over to Nico.

"Neeks...What happened?" Thalia asked.

He pointed to the lake in horror. She slowly turned, and gasped, thudding to the ground shaking. Jason stumbled backwards. The lake had turned red.

Blood red.

Red with Percy's blood.

Angel's Blood and God's power - Percy Jackson and Shadowhunter mashupWhere stories live. Discover now