Chapter - 6

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Emma POV

After the demigods explained about themselves, she was feeling a bit...shocked. Emma was sure the others in the room felt the same way.

"So...This, prophecy of yours is related to our search?" She asked.

Will nodded.

"OK. So I guess we need to introduce ourselves" Magnus said.

Emma stepped forward and started introducing again. "You guys already know Alec, Jace, Julian, Magnus and I. These are Clary, Simon, Isabelle, Christina, Mark and..." She paused, wondering whether she should introduce Kieran.

"And...? There's no one else" Reyna said, looking confused.

"You didn't notice me yet" Kieran said, stepping out from the shadows. The demigods jumped, Percy falling off the seat and Jason was inducing sparks. Emma chuckled

"Why do you...?" Annabeth started, once she recovered.

"I'm Kieran, King of the Unseelie Court. I'm a faerie, one of the gentry." He said, sweeping a slight bow.

"Right....and that is?" Percy asked, still confused. Jace laughed.

"He's the king of part of the Faerie realm" He explained

The demigods gaped at him. Kieran looked uncomfortable, his hair turning a dark blue.

"Mark is half faerie, half shadowhunter, which is why he has elf ears." Christina explained.

" what do we do now?" Piper asked. She was undoubtedly beautiful.

"We already have clues as to what this 'dark force' is. We also know that this dark force is either from the underworld, or from one of the realms of hell" Magnus said, leaning on the table.

"Right. But the monster, I mean demon, is immune to celestial bronze and Imperial gold. How do we kill it then?" Thalia said, sharpening her dagger.

"Seraph blades. When you call out the name of an angel, and stab any demon with it, the demon vanishes" Christina explained.

"Then you might need to... Train us" Percy said, a little grudgingly.

Jace and Emma laughed. They were going to have so much fun.


Percy POV

Percy was exhausted from the day. After learning that there were faeries and werewolves and warlocks, he wasn't sure what was next. Emma, Julian and Jace showed all the demigods around the Institute. Percy was dizzy even before they finished the ground floor. He was going to have to ask Mark or Jace where he needed to go.

"You and Annabeth will be staying here. If you get any nightmares, you can go to the terrace. You get a pretty great view" Emma said. Annabeth waved as she walked off.

"Well wise girl. Its late, you wanna sleep or...?"

"Seaweed brain...get your mind out of the gutter. I'm going to sleep"

Percy grinned. Annabeth sighed and walked inside. Percy didn't know how these shadow hunters lived, but judging by the forever sad look in their eyes, they had it worse than them. That was saying something

He followed his Wise girl into the room. He kicked off his shoes and flopped on the pale blue bed. Annabeth snuggled close to him. He wrapped his arms around her, as her breathing slowed. He gently kissed her head as he watched her eyes flutter close. Percy lay awake for a while even after Annabeth slept in his arms. How were they going to defeat this 'dark force' the oracle even said that it was stronger than previous foes. Gaia was very strong, and if this was even more powerful, then they need to be at peak fitness. Percy was going to ask Jace to train with him tomorrow. His eyes slowly drooped as his mind wandered to sleep.


Piper POV

Piper woke up to the sound of scratching. Jason and herself got the room closest to the entrance. She looked to her side and found Jason still sleeping. Good. She didn't want to have to wake him up. Piper slowly got out of the bed, and tiptoed to the window. It was still night. She couldn't hear anything else, so she thought that it must be her mind. Piper turned to go towards the bed when she heard it again. Scratching. She looked down, and stifled a scream.

A dozen demons were hammering against the Walls of the Institute. Piper knew there were wards around them. She retreated to the bed, when a crash echoed in the hall. She glanced behind her to see Jason still sleeping as she dashed out side the room. She gasped. 3 demons broke their way into the Institute. Was that supposed to happen. One of the demons turned their beady eyes to her. It scuttled towards her. She made for her dagger, but remembered that it wasn't effective. The demon was nearing her. She backed away, and screamed at the top of her voice, Charm speak flooding it completely.


Multiple crashes resonated the entire Institute. Jason stumbled out of their room first, followed by all the demigods and shadow hunters, tripping and stumbling down the stairs.

"What the heck was that...?" Jace started. He shouted.


Angel's Blood and God's power - Percy Jackson and Shadowhunter mashupWhere stories live. Discover now