2.4 in which the ocean is still the ocean

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warnings: swearing and mentions of sexual content

warnings: swearing and mentions of sexual content

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Julianna cursed, pushing the door open. She blinked, adjusting to the darkness. "Fuck," she whispered, looking around the place. There were alcohol bottles of various kinds littered around the place.

Niall's album launched at midnight and Julianna rushed off a flight from Australia as she finished her tour. She was set to land three hours ago but there was a myriad of things that happened that made her late.

Julianna unhooked Gordy from his leash, dropping it on the floor beside her suitcase. She went into the kitchen, flicking a light on, rummaging around in the cupboards. Triumphantly, she pulled out a garbage bag, pushing her fingers through it to open it.

Gordy ran around, tail wagging rapidly as he sniffed every inch of the place. Julianna began tossing the stray bottles into the garbage bag as quietly as she could manage.

"Jules?" A voice called from the living room. And then she heard him laugh, mumbling, "hi gordy."

Julianna had cleared one counter when Niall walked in. What a vision he was. Just a pair of grey briefs and disheveled hair. His cheeks were flushed with what Julianna decided was probably sleep.

"What the fuck are ya doing?" Niall muttered, rubbing his head. "Why are you cleaning?"

"Because," Julianna huffed, straightening up. "I missed your party and I thought the least I could do was clean up for you? Like maybe it would make up for it?"

"I don't care," Niall mumbled, looking around. "What time is it?"

"Four," Julianna whispered, helplessly dropping the garbage bag on the floor, wincing as the bottles clattered together.

"Julianna what the fuck," Niall laughed, blinking the sleep from his eyes.

"My flight was delayed and I came straight here," she explained. "And I'm sorry- I'm so sorry I missed the party. God, Niall I tried so hard to-"

"Shut up," Niall chuckled, grabbing her by the hand, pulling her in for a hug. Julianna sighed against his chest, eyes fluttering at his embrace. "I'm not mad. By any means."

"I feel awful. I didn't even get to listen to your album yet," she mumbled.

"I don't care," Niall whispered, smoothing her hair back. "I'm just so fuckin glad you're here."

"You and I can have a party," Julianna mumbled. "Not tonight. I'll dance to all your songs. Maybe even naked."

Niall laughed, pulling her toward his bedroom. "I'd love that. Just not tonight."

"I stayed up all last night so that when I got here I would be tired," Julianna told him, peeling her t-shirt off first. "I don't think I am," she admitted, falling into bed beside him.

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