+O14 - oh, i have your consent?

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#⃞┊hello? i fell for a second year named nishinoya yuu ˎˊ˗

#⃞┊❛hello? i fell for a second year named nishinoya yuu ˎˊ˗

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"hi, can i get a blueberry popsicle and a.."

"i want f/f ice cream." (favorite ice cream flavor)."

"yeah, one blue berry popsicle and one f/f."

"we have a couple's special, would you like to use the discount?"

"oh uh.. we're n-"

"yes." y/n covered nishinoya's mouth.

"okay, that'll be 750 yen." the male stated as y/n got out her wallet.

"nonono, i'll pay."

"no thank you."

"i'm serious, i chose to take you out today, so i'll pay."

"it's not a big of a deal, noya."

"exactly so.. here you go." nishinoya put the money on the counter.

y/n sighed, "thank you."

the man handed the two their deserts.

"you're gonna eat both of them?" noya asked.

"yeah, i think.." she shrugged her shoulders "if not, i'll give it to you!"

"oh okay." he took y/n's hand as he licked his popsicle. "you don't mind right?"

"not at all noya." she smiled.

the two just walked around the neighborhood, laughing and talking about random stuff. "yeah, i thought you were gonna kill me." nishinoya stated.

"kill you?! why would i do that?"

"'cause i touched you!" he stated.

"oh right. it's just.. i thought you second years were so sticky and slimy and yuckie." she put her tongue out.

"it's okay senpai." he leaned his head on her shoulder as the two continued to walk.

it was now getting dark as nishinoya decided to walk y/n home.



"do you.. have a crush on me?" y/n asked as nishinoya stopped in his tracks.


"so that's a no?" the h/c haired girl asked.

"no.. i just.."

"i like you too, yuu."

"really? are you just saying that to get me to say yes?!" he threw his popsicle stick in the nearest trash bin.

"i mean you can feel how ever you want to feel. and i'm saying that.." she stopped walking and grabbed his shoulders, making him face her.

"i like you nishinoya yuu." she faced him as she grabbed his hands and smiled.

nishinoya smiled ever so brightly, "senpai, i like you too!" he hugged the girl as she hugged him back.

"oh uh.. this is my house.." she said awkwardly. "of course you already know that since you've been here already.."

"yeah.. um did you like this gift i gave you?"

"oh of course it was from you! that little action figure of me?!"

"it is not an action figure!" nishinoya exclaimed. "it's a nendroid!"

"well what ever it is, it's cute!" y/n stated with glee.

"i'm glad that i had to tutor you and tanaka. you damn fools." she chuckled.

"yeah." nishinoya said as he closed his eyes and leaned forward.

"what are you doing?" y/n asked as she tilted her head.

"uhm.. nothing!" he stated as he stepped back.

y/n stepped forward and leaned in, pressing her lips onto his.

the kiss lasted for a good eight seconds until y/n pulled back.

"thank you for making my life even more joyful that it already was." she bowed at her kohai.

"i should be thanking you." noya stated as he bowed, the two bumping heads as they laughed.

"see you later yuu." she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him. "be safe while walking home."

"i will. thank you." he stated as y/n used her key to open the door.

"oh my god, did you see that?! they just kissed!"

"hinata boke! stop being so loud!" kageyama hit the ginger on his head.

"ow! i'm telling y/n!"

"not if i tell her first!"

"what are you doing hiding in the bushes? that's an invasion of y/n's privacy!" nishinoya scolded his kohai's.

"yeah, but it was interesting.." hinata pouted as the three walked home.


#⃞┊❛oh? i have your consent? ˎˊ˗

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#⃞┊oh? i have your consent? ˎˊ˗

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