Pokéballs and Dragons

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"RING RING RING, PHONE CALL, PHONE CALL!!!" Ash jolted out of his sleep at the sound of the videophone.

He got out of bed, groggily walked to the phone, and accepted the call. "Hello?"

"ASH, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!!!" Misty screamed through the black screen. It shocked Ash so badly that he nearly fell out of his seat.

"Your video cam isn't..."

"I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT THE..." The redhead suddenly stopped mid-sentence. She figured out what was happening. She could hear it in his voice.

Misty groaned angrily into the phone and regathered herself. "You just woke up didn't you?"

"Uhhhh... yeah." Ash responded, confused about what the hell was going on.

"I knew I should have woken you up." Misty muttered to herself. "Look at the clock."

Ash hesitated for a second, wondering what a clock had to do with this, but he knew better than to question Misty. He turned around and gasped.


"I told you it was a bad idea for me to stay at your place last night, but you had to push it." Misty groaned again. "I'm going to go so you can get dressed and get your ass down here." She was about to turn off the phone when she remembered something. "Oh, and Ash."

"Yeah Mist?"


Ash sighed and made his way hastily to the closet. "Yes I do."

"Good." Misty sighed once more before hanging up.


"Look, I'm not going to sit here all day waiting for this battle. I have more important things to do today." Lance, the dragon-type Elite 4 member, stated.

"Just give him a few more minutes. I talked to him about 15 minutes ago. He's on his way as we speak." Misty reassured him. She had walked out to the middle of the arena where Lance was waiting to explain what was going on.

"Alright, I'll give him another 5 minutes. If he doesn't show up between now and then, I'm going to..."

"HOLD ON!!! I'M HERE!!!" Ash screamed as he entered the stadium. Ash was so fast that Pikachu was having a hard time keeping up.

"Well, it's about damn time!" Misty exclaimed as she made her way up to Ash. "Hey Pikachu!" Misty exclaimed as she bent down and rubbed the electric mouse on the head.

"You ready to start?" Ash asked Lance as he embraced Misty in a quick hug.

Lance scoffed at this question. "I've been ready." He turned around and walked to his side of the arena.

"I have to get back to the stands now. Good luck and I love you." Misty gave Ash a quick peck on the lips before turning around and running to her seat.

"LOVE YOU TOO!!!" Ash called to her as he made his way to the opposite side of the arena from Lance.

The referee started to make his way to the middle of the battlefield when Lance put his hand up, stopping him in his tracks. "There's no need." He simply stated. Lance then pointed to Ash, signaling him to start things off.

"Infernape, I choose you!" Ash screamed as the Pokémon formed from its Pokéball.

"Kingdra, teach him a lesson!" The Kindra formed and took its battle stance. This fight was ready to begin.

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