A New Beginning

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As the sun was setting in a spectacular collage of reds and oranges and the waves were crashing against the beach he was standing on, Ash couldn't help but be distracted by a certain redhead whose beauty couldn't be rivaled by the showcase behind him.

Beside Ash stood his best man, Brock, and his groomsmen, Tracey and Gary, while to his other side stood Misty's sisters who were all watching as Misty slowly made her way to her soon-to-be husband's side. Once in her place, Ash reached forward and grasped her hands in his own, leaning in throughout the process.

"You look absolutely stunning." He whispered.

A blush made its way to Misty's face as Ash pulled away, but before she could say anything in return, the Priest began.

"Dearly beloved," He began. "we are gathered here today under the sight of Arceus to witness the joining of this man and woman in holy matrimony.  If any man can show just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter for ever hold his..."

"Oh, get on with it!" Brock exclaimed.

"Like anyone would want to get in the way of Ashy-boy and Red here!" Gary snickered.

The audience broke out into a fit of giggles as Misty glared at the duo and stomped over to them so she could beat them over the head. Before she could, however, Ash stopped her and gave her a grin.

"Leave it be, Mist." Ash chuckled.

"But they're ruining our wedding!" Misty screeched.

Ash placed both hands on her shoulders and gave her a warming smile. "Nothing could ruin this moment."

The entire audience cooed at this and the blush on Misty's face became even more apparent as Ash looked over at the Priest and nodded, signaling him to continue.

"If there are no more interruptions," The Priest began with a chuckle. "I require..."

Suddenly, a hot air balloon could be seen coming over the horizon. It looked to be in the shape of... oh no.

"Prepare for trouble!" Jessie started.

"And prepare for..." Suddenly, James was interrupted by Ash's laughter and Misty's screaming

"It's about time you guys showed up! I sent the invite months ago!" Ash chuckled.

"YOU INVITED THEM!" Mist screamed. "TO MY WEDDING!?"

Ash placed a hand over his heart and gave a pouty face. "I thought it was our wedding."

Misty stared at Ash's face for a few seconds before finally breaking down and smacking Ash on the arm. Ash could really get on her nerves sometimes, but she could never stay mad at him for long. His childish personality, loving nature, and good qualities always clouded over the flaws.

"It is you goofball..." She then pointed at the hot air balloon that was currently landing. "UNLESS YOU INVITE PEOPLE LIKE THAT!"

Ash snickered at this. "You do remember that Team Rocket is not a thing anymore right?"

Misty snarled at the trio as they got out of the hot air balloon and proceeded to sit down. "That doesn't mean I trust them."

"Oh, come on, Mist. What have they ever hurt before? I always saw them as comedic relief more than anything."

"HEY!" James, Jessie, and Meowth yelled in unison.

"Really? I saw them more of a nuisance than anything." Misty hissed as she glared at the trio.

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