A Battle to Remember

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"Everyone, please give a warm welcome to the People's Pokémon Master himself, Ash Ketchum!" The announcer of the match pointed toward the entrance of the arena as Ash made his way inside.

The first thing he recieved was applause from the crowd, but shock came soon after. Unlike his other battles, the arena had been modified. The entire battle zone consisted of a pool with small platforms littered throughout to help give some kind of an advantage to land Pokémon.

"Well that proves that whoever I'm facing is, in fact, a water trainer." Ash told himself. He looked around but was puzzled at, not what he saw, but what he didn't. The Elite 4 member he was supposed to be facing was nowhere to be found.

Usually, they would already be waiting for Ash's introduction before the battle started. However, this time was different. He was about to ask the announcer why this was, but he recieved his answer before he could.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of all ages, I know what you all might be wondering. Where is Ash Ketchum's competition? Well, as you all know, Lorelei retired last year and we had to find a replacement. Well I'm happy to announce that we have found one!" The crowd roared at the news.

"The board of directors and even the current Pokémon Master himself decided to keep this new member under wraps until the official tournament due to her skills as a trainer and certain... personal reasons." The announcer explained. "So, without further adieu, please welcome the newest member of the Elite 4, M..."

The crowd murmured to themselves after the sudden pause from the announcer. A man had come to his side and was whispering something into his ear. Ash began to tap his foot on the ground impatiently.

Once the announcer was informed of the sudden change, he cleared his throat and passed on the information to the audience. "Ladies and Gentlemen, there has been a slight change in the introduction. This woman, whom you all are about to meet, has recently gotten engaged and wants to use the last name of her fiancé in her official introduction."

The announcer paused for effect. Once he felt the audience was held off for long enough, he caved in and introduced the competition. "May I humbly introduce the newest member of the Elite 4 and Cerulean City's very own Tomboyish Mermaid... Misty Ketchum!"

Ash looked at the announcer with questionable eyes. 'There has to be some kind of mistake here.' Ash thought. Suddenly the crowd burst into a fit of roars and cheers. Ash looked back at the battlefield and his mouth dropped.

Misty was standing at the opposite end of the pool wearing her signature diving suit. She had the sweetest and cheekiest grin on her face that filled Ash with both happiness and curiousness. He had so many questions he wanted to ask, but he could only find the words to say one thing. 

"I love you."

Misty couldn't hear him, but she knew what he said by reading his lips. She smiled and mouthed something back.

"I love you too. I'll explain later."

Ash smiled at this and gripped his first Pokéball. He looked over and watched as the referee walked to the side of the pool. "Each trainer will use six Pokémon each. The first one to have all six faint is the loser. Mrs. Ketchum, are you ready?"

Misty looked at the referee and nodded. She looked back at Ash and grinned.

"Mr. Ketchum, are you ready?"

"I am." Ash grinned at Misty as he gripped his first Pokéball tighter. This battle would be... interesting to say the least.

"Then let the battle... COMMENCE!" The referee rushed out of the way as Ash and Misty threw out their Pokéballs at the same time.

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