Chapter Two - The Fellowship

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Adriel awoke early to the sound of her chamber door creaking open followed by a gentle dip on the side of her bed. She sat up slowly with a soft groan and blinked the sleep from her tired eyes, exhaustion felt as if had seeped deep into her bones due to the recurring nightmares of the Nazgul that plagued her mind.

"Adriel?" Elrond's soft voice cooed as he looked over her, a slight hint of worry crossing over his soft eyes.

"Yes Adar?" Adriel asked, her voice raspy from her lack of rest. She looked up at her adoptive father, noticing a frown occupying his usually happy face. She tilted her head slightly in confusion.

"You can feel him," Elrond whispered as he brought his hand to the side of her face. Adriel chewed on the inside of her cheek before she nodded, avoiding eye contact. The visions of the fiery eye of Mordor had kept her from sleeping for the two weeks that she had been back in Rivendell, as well as her dead brother haunting her dreams when she got the chance to sleep.

"It's overwhelming," Adriel murmured as she played with her sun kissed and scarred fingers. Elrond's warm hand gently pushed her chin up so she was looking into his eyes, small strands of hair falling into her eyes. Both Sauron and Saruman had tried to communicate with her while she slept. She had not felt suffering like this since her childhood, riddled with fiery visions and dark riders.

"I can feel it too nin -iel, my daughter," he spoke in a reassuring tone, "I couldn't help but notice you lurking in the halls late at night," he continued as he rose from the side of Adriel's bed and walked towards one of her bedrooms tall windows. Heat spread across her face as she shook head and placed her face in her hands in embarrassment. Adriel mentally cursed herself for being so obvious.

"I apologize," she muttered, her voice muffled from inside her hands. The dark haired lord chuckled as he stared out the window that overlooked most of Rivendell, he tucked his hands behind his back and turned to face Adriel.

"Your parents would be proud of you Adriel," Elrond spoke in a bolder tone. Adriel straightened her back at the mention of her birth parents, she could feel a lump forming in her throat, "Arwen spoke to me about what happened at the river, your mother would be especially." Adriel shook her head.

"I told her not to look back," Adriel grumbled. Her heart ached at the thought of her parents as she watched her adoptive father walk towards the door.

"There will be a council held in the garden at noon to determine the fate of the ring, I expect to see you there," he spoke in a quieter tone as he opened the large wooden door. The lord looked Adriel up and down then walked out of the room. A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she flopped back down into her nest of pillows and blankets, tears stung her eyes at the thought of her ill fated family and the looming darkness of Sauron. She stared up to the ceiling blankly before forcing herself up.

Adriel pattered through the bright halls of Rivendell, her soft shoes making almost no noise as she headed towards the garden. The skirt of her flowing grey-blue dress floated behind her as she made her way down the stone stairs. Adriel gently pulled at the long sleeves of the dress to curb her anxiousness, her slender fingers eventually toying with the simple golden rings that littered each of her hands. The chilly fall air brushed her loosely curled hair away from her freckled face and made her cheeks turn a pale shade of pink.

"Adriel?" a familiar voice called out. Adriel's heart fluttered with excitement and a wide smile plastered itself to her face as she turned to face an elderly hobbit who was sitting alone on one of the gardens' elegantly carved wooden benches.

"Bilbo Baggins!" Adriel cheerfully cried as she engulfed the halfling in a gentle hug, his small arms wrapping around her torso. Happy tears stung her golden eyes as she held the hobbit tightly to her, enjoying her friend's presence.

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