we just went down to hagrid's:3

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y/n's pov:

"oh, I think I know what you wanna talk about?" he answered

"so, umm, are you, my?"

"dad?, yeah, I suppose you live with nymphadora?"

"yeah, and she doesn't like being called that"

He chuckled " I used to tease her when we were kids, well she was, that's why she doesn't like being called that"

I smiled widely, I was finally talking to my dad, like the one who was supposed to be unknown

"you two know, once my name is cleared, you both can live with me, I mean if harry, you still wannna live with your aunt and uncle-" he gets cut by harry getting excited,

"and leave the Dursleys?, I' love to"

He smiled and continued "and, y/n, if you wanna still stay with tonks"

"I mean, I love her, but, I haven't spent these 12 years without, well, a family, person which is you now, I'd be crazily happy to come and live with you" I smiled saying this

"by the way, tonks is my cousin, so, she is,well, "your family person"" he says laughing

"hey, umm, well, Sirius?, wouldn't that make me and y/n, brother and sister"

Wow, I didn't think that, I don't want harry to be my brother

"oh, so is it that being my brother so bad, I'm offended harry potter" I said mockingly

We were having a really good time, but then hermione shouts..........


"y/n, harry, look" with that she points to the full moon, which just appeared from behind the clouds

We three rushed over to them

And professor lupin was transforming, dad ran to him

"remus, did you take your potion tonight? Remus?"

And in the meantime Pettigrew, turned to his animagus , and escaped

"NO!" I screeched

I ran after him, if that arse ran away, dad won't be able to get his name cleared

Soon he jumped of a cliff, he won't be much hurt since, he's small

But in fury and everything was happening so fast

I jumped............

"HARRYYYY!" I yelled

Soon, I felt something

I was.........


"Y/N?, Y/N WHERE ARE YOU?" it sounded that he was gonna cry

"I'm here" I said but all that came out was

*eagle screech*

I turned around I had


I'm a animagus !

An eagle

I flew up to harry and circled him, to ensure him, that I didn't fall and die

Harry's pov:


I never got tell y/n how I felt.............

Wait a bloody second

This eagle, is it her

No, pft!, she's not an animagi, if she was, she would've told me first !

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