"For now...just, for now."

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after "the Weasley welcome" harry just encountered, Y/n had something to say to harry from a long time, but she just couldn't cause she LOVED him and the way he made her feel all the time was an expression that yes, harry loves her back very much too and the thing that she would hate to wipe off his face would be the way he looked at her, will he ever look at her the same way again after she tells him? ever?


"Harry?" Y/n whispered while harry was in deep slumber she shook him a little harder


"yes!" harry jolted awake

"y/n," he said putting on his glasses 

"shh, keep it down" y/n hushed

y/n cannot afford to make sound ATM

"let's take this outside" y/n gestured to him to follow her out of the Weasley's house

sugar coating the things were not gonna help at all so she just straight said it...

"Harry, I don't think we should be together" 

Harry just stared at her with a blank expression and then he abruptly spoke up


"I'm sorry, my ears just popped, it's really cold and windy out here. yeah, so, come again?"

"Harry, you're a great guy, but, honestly, I don't think we should be together anymore"

harry 's face fell just like y/n had expected, she looked at her feet

"what? is it because of something I did?"

"no,no,no. it's just that, I feel NOW is not the best time, or it was when we got together" 

"so, you've felt like this from 2 years now?"

"no, it's just a late realization that we shouldn't be together and I'm not saying anymore because I really need you in my life harry, but now is definitely not the best time it can be, our kind is at war right now,  and it's selfish of us to do so in such perilous time while voldermort is on the loose and it's just the beginning today, we have no idea of what can happen tomorrow."

Y/n was on the verge of really heavy tears from now and she wasn't gonna cry in front of him she just said 

"for now harry, just for now. we'll still be friends, end of discussion" and rushed inside


hey, umm really really sorry for the short chapter but a longer one coming up and sorry again, cause i suckass at writing breakups and shit 🤧

and i just wanna ask ya'll is the new cover good? 

merry Christmas tho!

love, agrima 

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