quiet year at hogwarts?! whom are ya kidding?!

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y/n's pov:

summer has been awesome!

I got to finally live with dad, whereas harry still had to be with durseleys

Poor boy

Dad told me everything thing at least twice about the maraduers, he also taught me how can I improve my pranks and meta – ani – magus-ness , and some new tricks for pranks

And I just got a letter from the wealseys

Dear y/n

Dad got tickets from the ministry for the quidditch match between Bulgaria and Ireland, and since you and your undying love for quidditch, with thought you ought join us

come a week earlier, mum likes guests

Ans ah, how did we forget to tell this?

Do.not.worry. your husband will be there


Ron, fred, gorge and ginny

What. The. Fuck ?

They called harry my husband?

Oh well,

I start to reply

Very, very dear weasleys

I would love, love, love to go to the match with you guys!

I will be there in a tomorrow

Love to all of you


oh, I also gotta tell dad that I'm leaving tomorrow

I rush downstairs

" hey, dad, I got a letter from the weasleys, they want me to come over tomorrow for the quidditch match in a week, so.."

"great, I presume harry's gonna be there, eh?" he said smirking

" why is everyone doing that to me?!"

He laughed

I started to pack my things for tomorrow

This year might be troubling

I've been owling harry back and forth

Our scars are hurting, we're also getting these stupid vision/ nightmares

It's all very pressuring for us

I told dad about it, he just wants me and harry to stick with each other along with ron and hermione and be very I repeat very careful

It was dinner time already, he gave me some tips to handle my scar hurting and those freaky vision, nightmares whatever they are

''the next day''

I step into the fireplace

"now, y/n dear, listen to me, I've said this a thousand times but please, stick with harry and your friends, use your abilities wisely, be careful and have fun"

"okay, so, bye dad, THE BURROW!"

And I'm here

I see ginny on the couch scribbling something


"Y/N!,so good to see you!, ron told me what happened how were things last year" she said the last line wiggling her eyebrows

"shut up ginerva" I said smiling a little

"hey, where is everybody?" I ask

"oh they've gone to pick harry up, or as they like calling him your husband" she wiggled her eyebrows again

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