No one's pov:
Harry and cedric were pushing each other to race to the cup
"STOP IT BOTH OF YOU!" y/n shouted
Soon a vine of the devil's snare caught cedric
y/n didn't see that happening since she was a little father than both of them
"HARRY! MY WAND!" cedric urged for help
By the time y/n jogged to them harry saved cedric
"some game huh?"
"some game"
"you take it" cedric said
"no you take it, you saved my arse in the first task" harry said to y/n
"you know what, we all three worked hard. So let's make HOGWARTS proud" y/n said
All three of them jogged to the cup and grabbed it soon
It turned out to be a portkey
The graveyard of their nightmares
"the cup it's a portkey" cedric muttered
"cedric! Get back to the cup!" harry yelled
"don't tell me" y/n said in disbelief to harry
"I'm afraid so" harry replied
Soon a cauldron infront of them was lit
Harry and y/n's hand shot up to their scars as they started to burn...........
Soon pettigrew came out came something in his hands
"traitor!" y/n screeched
But she couldn't do anything cause a statue grabbed them
"who are you?! What do you want?!" cedric said pointing his wand at him
"kill the spare" a voice murmured
"avada kedavra!" petteigrew
"NO!" harry and y/n yelled
y/n didn't notice but tears were making they're way down her cheecks
crying ? she never cried?
But she didn't care at that moment, the boy who she became quick friends with him, the bundle of cheer
Was lifeless..............
Soon peter began some ritual
"flesh of the servant willingly sacrificed"
He cut his hand and it fell into the cauldron with splash
"bones of the father un-willingly given"
He opened a grave and took a bone out
"blood of the enimies forcibly taken"
He then proceeded towards them
Who were just
In their place
He took their arms
And sliced them open
Then he hurried back to the cauldron
And put their blood drops
"the dark lord shall rise again"
Harry and y/n's blood ran cold
Throat became dry
Heart stopped
Everything around just was on halt
Soon a figure before them stood
"your arm peter" he ordered
"master, thank you, master"
Soon death eaters
They were everywhere
After hearing voldy's stupid speech
It felt ages
As he was about to set his foot on cedric
"ah! y/n, harry, I forgot you were here. I see, standing on the bones of my father, that filfthy muggle, which reminds me, of the night lilly potter provided her only son and goddaughter ultimate protection I couldn't touch them. That was old magic, BUT. I CAN TOUCH YOU NOW!!"
He then put his fingers on each of their scars
Both of them cried out in pure agony
Then he released both of them to fall to the ground
y/n reaches for her wand but he soon casts a non- verbal spell which cause y/n's body to shoot right next right cedric's and
she began to bleed
as if she had wounds and cuts everywhere
{yes, he uses sectusempra}
y/n's pov:
I shot open my eyes
Thinking that all that
All of it was another nightmare
I look to my side and see harry sitting with his head low
"harry" I hoarsed out
"y/n!" his head shot up
I could see his tear stained cheeks
"so all of it?"
I said, I knew I was gonna break down now
Harry just nodded quietly
And well then what, tears were rolling down
Harry quickly pulled me into embrace
"we did nothing, we just saw him die" I chocked
"hey! Even dumbledore didn't see this coming, it isn't our fault, but you know what now................................................."
"it's on?"
I ask considering to the war that was gonna break out
"it's on..." harry confirmed
I wiped my tears
And he told me what happened
I really wish to merlin if my year 5 goes normally, happily like every other hogwart stundents' then i'll swear upon my bloody life that I'll free that crancky-grandma's potraits' sidekickin' kreacher
Well maybe we could just hope............

✨Y O U R C H O S E N O N E ✨ { harry potter x reader}
Fanfictiony/n a sassy bitch but kind-hearted, a super cool tomboy but ladylike at the times when needed to be, join her CHOSEN ONE and friends on the journey of their not so simple school life ;) hoping you would enjoy! ps. I am Indian so English is NOT my...