y/n's pov:
everyone knows that now harry and I are official
and whenever saw us said
"about time"
Right now I'm with draco and ron are with me we are enjoying the view of the black lake
"have you figured out what the clue is?" ron asked
"no, it seems almost impossible, cause every single time I open it only screeches and drives me nuts"
"you said you would, the task is just 2 days away!" draco panicked
"since when did you started getting panic attacks?" I chuckled
"y/n this is something serious" ron whined
Soon I heard my name and I stood and saw
That's surprising
"how are you?"
"well the task is in 2 days and I don't have the faintest idea what the clue is. Spectacular"
"sorry, that was dumb question, but, you know the prefect's bathroom on the fifth floor. It's not a bad place for a bath"
"sorry?" he started to leave
"just take your golden egg and mull things over in hot water"
I took off my clothes and started the taps
I took my egg and sat in the water
I opened it then I heard a screech but then I took some water in my palm and poured it over the egg
I closed the egg and put on the bubblehead charm and went under water
Closed my eyes and opened the egg
No screech
"come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground.
An hour long you'll have to looook,
To recover what we tooook."
A beautiful voice sang I couldn't help but keep listening to it
But soon it was interrupted by screech, just like from my egg earlier
I shot open I my eyes and saw legs, happily the person was wearing shorts
I turned the charm off
And came out of the water
"Y/N!" harry exclaimed closing the egg
"I have a loads of questions but I need to ask this one the most, why's you leave the bloody door open?"
"oh well, none of the prefects use this one since the second floor one is more lavish and any other student wouldn't know" I said rolling my eyes
"okay, I see you're here to figure out the clue too, cedric?"
"cedric, and put it in the water"
"just do as I say please"
As he went down I came out of the water
I didn't want him to see me in underwear
I put on a bathrobe
He came out
"okay, the song is confusing than the screeches" he said
I chuckled
Soon myrtle flew out from the toilet
"hello harry"
Oh godric!
Myrtle is here or as I like calling her
"moppy flirtist"
"myrtle!" harry jumped
" I saw some Polyjuice potion the other day, not being a bad boy are you?" moppy said in a flirty tone
I coughed
"oh so you're here too" moppy said
"yes, now, may I ask you that are there mer people in the black lake?"
"clever girl you are, took the other girl ages, the beautiful one, fleur, almost all the bubble were gone"
Harry was glaring at her, he knew there was no point arguing with her
"well, it's a shame, being a girl you still stare at half- naked girls, you're a lesbian I presume?" I snapped
Then I left myrtle weeping and harry smirking

✨Y O U R C H O S E N O N E ✨ { harry potter x reader}
Fanfictiony/n a sassy bitch but kind-hearted, a super cool tomboy but ladylike at the times when needed to be, join her CHOSEN ONE and friends on the journey of their not so simple school life ;) hoping you would enjoy! ps. I am Indian so English is NOT my...