Luna Lovegood

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You're pov:

Dear Padfoot

I hope you are all right. It's starting to get colder here, winter is definitely on its way.

Despite being back at Hogwarts we feel more alone than ever. We know you of all people will understand

Lots of love

Your daughter

And also harry's behalf"

I see that threstral creature soaring high above me and then landing out in the middle of nowhere

So I decided to have a small trek in the forest

Soon, I see two more and wait

A whole bunch of them

Then I see a blond petting one

Is that Lovegood?

Why is she barefoot?

"hello y/n black," she said

Without turning back!

I asked the first thing that came to me

"what are these?"

Of course, these are threstals, that's all I know

"threstrals " she spoke

"why can't the others see them?" I continue

"they can only be seen by people who have seen death, people usually avoid them because they're—"

"different" I completed

"so, you've known someone dead?" I ask

"my mum," she said

"oh, I'm sorry for your loss luna," I say quietly

"it's alright. She was quite an extraordinary witch, she did like to experiment and one day one of her spells went badly wrong. I was 9"

I hum in response

"I do feel sad about it, but I've got dad"

She then tosses an apple to a baby threstral

It sniffs it

"We both believe you and harry by the way" she continued

"that he who must not be named is back and you both fought him and the ministry and the prophet are conspiring against you two and dumbledore"

"Thanks," I say and smile a little

"Seems you're the only ones that do" I add

"I don't think that's true"

"what do you mean?" I ask

"well if I were you know who" she began

"I'd want you to feel cut off from everyone else. Cause if it's just you alone, you're not as much of a threat" then she smiles a little

She then takes out a piece of meat and tosses it to the threstral

It happily devours it

Maybe luna is right.....................................................................


I just felt that I want to update so maybe I will in short breaks I'm about to finish the year on my Microsoft word, so...................

and after harry's book is done I'll do newt's as promised {don't get confused with Scamander, it's the maze runner one} 

so, love<3


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