No one's :
Ron is back on the best of the terms with harry and y/n
They're all sitting in the great hall after reading rita's scandal
"parcel for you mr.weasley" a little boy with strawberry blonde hair
"thanks nigel"
Then he stares at y/n and harry as if they are some celebs
"is there something on my face?" y/n asks rubbing her nose
"not now nigel" ron says, the boy goes away
"sorry, I said I would get him your autographs"
"mum's sent me a ...................... Dress?" ron said his jaw hitting the floor
"must be for ginny" he said getting up
"ginny, mum sent this for you"
"I'm not wearing that, that's ghastly!"
"they're not for ginny!, they're for you!" hermione said snickering
The whole hall burst into laughter
y/n's pov:
Gosh, I'm literally begging god harry plucks the Gryffindor in inside him and asks me
But no, no, no he has to be a gryffindork
"how are you supposed to ask one they all travel in packs?" harry says
"watch and learn" I say
"oi nott!" I yelled over to the group of slytherins
"black" he said
"would you go out with me?" I shot
"uhhh" he began to stutter
"sure" he finally spoke
"but when?" he asked
"let's see, it's 20th December, so" I began
"how about 35th of the December?" I said
"but there is no 35th December" he said
"exactly" I added and left
He deserved that
Harry's pov:
In yo face nott !
I hope I could soon say that's my gurrlll
I do wanna ask her but I don't know what happens when those words come up in my throat
You know what I'll aska {Alaska XD}
"hey y/n"
"I was wondering—"
"you were wondering?"
"how do you come up with such sassy comebacks?"
I hope she kicks my crotch now!
"oh, umm, maybe, it's in ma blood"
"it's slippery up there"
"yeah, I'll watch out"
Then something hit me

✨Y O U R C H O S E N O N E ✨ { harry potter x reader}
Fanficy/n a sassy bitch but kind-hearted, a super cool tomboy but ladylike at the times when needed to be, join her CHOSEN ONE and friends on the journey of their not so simple school life ;) hoping you would enjoy! ps. I am Indian so English is NOT my...