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"Are you going to eat that..." Dannie asked, lunging at my burger before I even replied, and devouring it like a hungry badger.

"No, you can have it, by all means..." I drawled sarkily as he licked his fingers clean of the fillings.

"You didn't say anything."

I sighed.

"I wasn't hungry anyways." I said, shuffling in my sit.

"What's up with you?", Dannie quizzed me. Making his way in my cafeteria tray, now gnawing on my apple.

"Nothing,.."I said, "its just... You remember Dustan carva yeah.."

"Yeah, that annoying skater dude!" Dannie grimaced.

He and Dustan had a brawl, dannie was kind of jealous and feeling like the third wheel when he found out I and Dustan were kind of hanging out, mayhams where happening all around him and he decided to blame Dustan for causing them, saying he was sabotaging our friendship. Dustan wasn't a bad guy then, a little bit of a jerk but not enough to tag him as 'a spawn of Satan reincarnated into a human to destroy mankind' Dannie's words, not mine, he said anything and everything that could possibly be said to make me stay away from him.

It was so funny and embarrassing, he really just never learn, he had been my best friend for years before I met Dustan, even after he left Deadwood's creek and now that he's back, I doubt someone could come between us.

"Um yeah..." I crooned, "him."

"What about him..." Dannie muffled through  a sandwich he had on his tray.

Where does he put it all?

"You know he's kind of..." I trailed.

"... Sadistic... Depraved -demented, evil!" Dannie said flippantly, gulping down the sandwich.

"...uh, yeah..." Usually I wouldn't agree but honestly, over the years, Dustan was all those things, maybe not evil, but pretty darn close to it.

"He's my project partner.."

Dannie paused, before bursting out laughter.

I looked at him wearily.

"Not funny, " I grumbled. Noticing people staring, I kicked him from under the table when he wouldn't shut up.

"Hey" he snapped, his guffaws ceasing.


He couldn't even keep a straight face, a goofy grin crept up his face.

"He's going to eat you for dinner" he whispered so eerily before chuckling again.

"I'm sorry mehn.. Its just that, I get hot Natalie Payne, and you get, possessed Dustan carva, son of the devil..." He laughed.

I groaned, he needed a truck shoved in his brain.

"Haha very funny," I growled, " I don't know what to do with him, he even took the project with him, I have to go to his house, haven't been there since his dad and bro's... You know..."

"Yeah..." Dannie drawled. " I almost feel sorry for him... But he's evil so..."

I rolled my eyes, ignoring Dannie's comment, " And Mr duboi..." I muttered

"What about Mr duboi?" Dannie voiced.

"Nothing... Nothing, " I replied him, remembering Mr duboi's chilling words. "-Nothing."


"So what you're trying to say is... I don't got game." Dannie mooched.

"Dude, get over yourself... You are literally going to use your own hands to wreck your reputation." I sighed exasperatedly.

"Reputation... Reputation.. I don't got no rep till I date Stella coxen!" Dannie retorted.

I give up. There was no getting through this guy. It was like he was immune to embarrassment.

"Sure... Go get her tiger." I drawled nonchalantly as we both traipsed down the school stairs.

Dannie smirked shrewdly as we reached the ground floor.

"Oh lookie here,",he remarked slyly.

I turned my gaze to where his eyes were fixed... Her.

"Hehe, how would you get past that barrier," Dannie laughed, hinting at the fact that Natalie Payne was surrounded by at least ten guys.

Ignoring Dannie I  hurried down the hallway,sneaking a peek at Natalie who caught my gaze abruptly, I nimbly turned away -this was weird. Dannie just chortled, mumbling something before catching up with me.

Why did she remind me so much of ... Her.


Hard metal music boomed out of huge stereos that were probably tuned in to the loudest. A dim purpulish hue illuminated the dark room, everything was barely visible, except the white lamp on the bedside table that viewed a huge glass with a lumpy bulge in it.

Dustan laid flat on his bed. Completely stoned. Smoke oozed slowly from his mouth, immersing him in a somber cloud of gray.

He stared at the ceilings, an empty, vague, cold stare.

He averted his gaze to the glass cage on the table. He smiled lividly.

"I bet you're hungry... " he whispered diabolically.

He took his backpack, taking out a clear plastic box.

"... How about rear divine cuisine.."he grinned slyly. He opened the cap, using his thumb and pointy finger to lift the frightened moth from the case, lowered it towards the glass, in a quick flash, the insect was snagged from his poor grasp. He watched, dazed with menacing joy as the cane toad gulped down his school project.


A little short I know, just really had to update, been a little while , don't get Dustan wrong, this isn't going to be the worse thing he does, lool this is barely anything compared to the things this dude is capable of... Keep reading, more to come, I'm so excited I got a number of reads in this, vote comment fan, those little buttons okay ...  Xoxoxoxo... ;).

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