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" mum.. I going out now"

"To where honey, you promised you'd watch genesis this saturday while am out tonight..."

Meet my mum... The worry fanatic... Ever since my dad left when I was ten and Genesis was seven, its pretty much been a ride of ups and downs but I'm truly glad my mum was strong enough for both of us.

We'd probably be nothing without her, the past seven years without my dad has been lonely, I mean I miss him a lot, a kid needs his dad you know.. But then he was the one that walked out of our lives, one day he was there, the next he was just.. Gone, mum won't tell me why, no matter how much I grill her about it, always breaking into a fit and crying in her room afterwards, just had to stop asking so she wouldn't have to be that way again, - but now I think about it, maybe she too doesn't know why.

"Don't worry mum I'd be back before seven... As promised I'll still watch Genesis ... I have this project I want to get over with this guy... Dustan... " I sighed.

"The carva's son... "

" yeah." There was a momentarily awkward silence in room. The whole town practically knew of the incident. Two sons and a father lost. That was a lot on one family.

" you two were so close back then,.. Such little rebels, what happened to u too... " my mum smiled fondly remembering the times when I and Dustan were close, playing pranks on the neighborhood kids.

"Uh..." She was right, what happened... The accident -that's what. Loosing his dad and his brothers wasn't enough, life had to take his legs too. That's more than enough to close the world off. Just wish he wouldn't have fallen that deep.

"- mum, I'm going to be late."

She sighed, her beading eyes locked on mine..

" okay honey, remember, seven."

"Yeah mum" with that, I was out the door.


"Here we are" I announced, approaching Dustan's house. I parked the car next to a lamp post just a little ahead, the car screeched as I pulled the breaks... I really need a new car. Elm squirmed beside me. I guess she hadn't stayed around people a lot, either that or, well Dustan of course, he just sends shivers down our spines sometimes, you'd never know how to act around him.

We got down and walked towards the door. I clicked the door bell and stood.

This was awkward. Mr duboi sure knows how to make a team, three people who never I mean -never talk to each other. A chick who feels books are God's and a guy who probably wants the world to end, and then there's me. What was he thinking.

The door creaked open and a little boy with a head Full of curly blond hair peeped through. He was probably like six or seven at most. This was Dustan's little brother, he was still a baby when their dad died. Its just he and Dustan now.

"Hello" he beamed.

He sure was perky, definitely the opposite of his big brother.

"Hey Toby, " I smiled at him, his eyebrows crinkled, probably surprised I knew his name, never really did come by after the incident, Dustan just pushed me away.

" you know me" he looked confused.

" you were a just a baby when I use to come by," I beamed at him.

"Come by?" He quizzed. Again nobody really visits the carvas anymore, his mum is just as depressed as Dustan is, pushing everyone away, it a shocker that this little guy pulled through.

" I was Dustan's friend.."

He's big blue eyes lit up.

"Dunky has a friend" he jumped.

"Uh... Was.." Before I could finish my sentence, he pulled me in, dragging me through the living room and into a room filled with paintings and art sculptures.

"Wow, " Elm gasped. She had quietly followed behind me as Toby dragged me through the rooms.

Wow was right... Didn't know Dustan was so artistic, so talented. The only thing with did together that associated art was paint... Paint balls that is.. We'd throw them at bullies and they'd never know it was us.

" he did this.??" I asked Toby.

"Yeah.. " he chirped, " I did that one with with him." He pointed at a hand print of he and the bigger print being Dustan's.

"Toby!" A voice echoed in the silent room, we all turned, seeing Dustan standing in the shadow at the entrance.

" what did I tell you about bringing stranger's in here." He bawled.

Ouch... Demoted to stranger... Awesome.

"But he said he's your friend," Toby quivered,... " I don't see a lot of your friends coming by, I thought,... I thought he was special to you... You said only special people could come in here."

Dustan sighed.

He limped towards Toby and knelt down on a knee, taking all his strength to do so, so they were face to face.

"Toby, here is just for me and you, we're the special people, no one else okay..."

He nods, his sniveling ceasing slowly.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you like that okay, now go have a cookie.."

Just like that he beamed up, "okay" he chirped happily, dashing out of the room.

I guess Dustan's heart isn't so closed off after all, at least he's got emotions for Toby.

Once Toby was out of the door, Dustan stood with so much effort, I was 99% inclined to help him but then that 1% stopped me because of the last incident... We were in school about the same year his dad died, and his crutches had slipped on a milk carton in the cafeteria, he fell face flat, I rushed to help him up and he cursed me like I was the cause of his fall, he said he wasn't disabled and could help himself up, then cursed me some more.

I winced at the thought and restrained.

"So" he seethed, balancing on his crutches,"What do you want!"

"Dustan... The project" I answered him, "we agreed we'd do it today,"

"Project,...? What project" he quizzed sarkily, crutching towards a chair.

"What project..? You're kidding me right, the insect stuff, we have to submit that by Monday, its worth like half our grade.!!" I fumed.

"Oh,... That" he grinned, as if remembering something funny.

"Yeah... That.. Get the bug let's get started already."

"...uh.. I can't do that..." He stated.

"Fine, tell me where it is, I'd go get it, I know your house like the back of my hand." I said exasperatedly.

"I'm not disabled... If I wanted to get it I'd get it." He fumed.

That 'not disabled' card again... Probably won't push it.

"So why can't you get it..." I quizzed him.

"Because... Drake," he began, calling my name with such emphasis., " that would be impossible"

Okay, I was getting mad now, "what do you mean impossible ...." I could no longer hide my anger.

"Toe ate it."


Whoop! Okay... I've been a bad gurl. .. Was it lime a month since the last updated.... Sigh... Why am I so ...
Lool okay okay, would try and make it up... Later this week chapter six is coming, your was... Hint ... A lot of action... Hehehe.
let's see, wanna start this random question thing after every A/N ... I love random questions :p .

Blondes, brunettes, raven and red hairs, whos hotter.

Pls vote comment fan.... Xoxoxo.

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