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Panting and terrified... Abby raced through the dark room. Something was after her... Someone. She had stumbled into an abandoned house running for her dare life, she had to get away... She had to be safe... The words of tony echoed in her head... He had yelled them to her while trying to figure out what was after them "run Abby... RUN!". They were cut off; separated in the woods and she had found herself here... In this abandoned house.. For safety.

She prayed in her heart Tony was okay.. He had to be.. Thump! She slipped on something and had fallen in it.. The liquid splattering all over her... She moaned and sat up... Feeling the fluid she rubbed it between her fingers, immediately knowing what was... Blood.

She screamed. In a frenzy trying to stand... Only slipping in again. Then she heared something... Footsteps... Coming closer..

"Abby.." The voice whispered.

"who's there..." She spoke, trembling like a frightened little girl.

"Its me.. Come" she squinted at the shadowed outline of a person stretching his hand towards her.

"Tony..." She gasped reassuringly, easing her racing heart. " I was so scared, I thought.." She took his hand... They were ice cold.

"Your hands.." She murmured, glancing  up at his face, and seeing the empty hazel eyes as the lightening flashed, illuminating the room for seconds, "You" she said with utter shock; horror streaked her face.

"Yes..." He said,"... Me"

He gripped her hand, nimbly twisting her to him. A hand above her waist and the other on her head, slowly pulling her hair so that it exposed her bare neck.

"I can tell you... " he said in a bloodcurdling whisper "... Tony tasted delightful'

Abby broke down in tears as the vampire caressed her neck with his teeth...

"Aaahhhhhhhhhhh" paige buried her head into Jason's jacket, not wanting to watch the scene of the vampire draining Abby's blood.

"let's go Jason, This movie is way to scary" she told him. Urging him to leave with her.

"Okay -let's go." Jason shrugged.

As they stood to leave, Paige got a last glance of the movie, watching the vampire fling Abby's lifeless body away.


"I really enjoyed the movie... "Paige chirped as she and jason walked down the dark lonely streets, "... Aside the bloodcurdling parts, this was really sweet. "

" yeah... I guess" came Jason's distant reply.

"I had a lot of fun" Paige smiled sweetly. Trying to get the conversation going.

" yeah - me too" Jason replied in the same nonchalant manner.

"Are you okay Jason?" Paige quizzed him, "you seem a little deep-in-thoughts, something wrong?"

Jason stopped dead at his tracks.

"Yes..." He said, " there's something I've wanted to do ever since I saw you Paige..."

" really..." Paiges thoughts swirled into a romantic kiss under the stars with her heart throb quarterback crush, "... What is it..." She batted her lashes and twirled her silky raven hair.

"Close your eyes" he told her.

She immediately did...

"What now," she cooed softly.

There was no reply.

" any minute now jay.." She said playfully.

No reply.

"Jason... " she called, peeking to see where he was... Nowhere to be seen.

"Jason -" She looked left and right, "- where are you... Jason?"

She was oblivious to the rising shadow behind her. It held her shoulder..

She gasped turning around.

"Oh... Jason... You scared me." She sighed.

Jason peered at her intently as his eyes darkened.

"Jason... What's wrong with your eyes." Paiged quizzed. He grabbed her and held her hair, pulling them down, exposing white flesh.

Paige's heart thumped frantically, fear creeping up her spine.

"Jason... What are you doing... You're hurting  me... Jason - Jason ahh... Ahhh.. Ahhhhhhhh"

Her scream echoed down the lonely streets - Pleading for help... But none came.


"This is just the beginning..." Blood curdling whisper... Lool heyy people... What do u think happened to paige ... Lool.. Did u just ask that... Any ways I'll try to update at least every week. I'm so fvcking lazy but I'll try... For your sake... Cus readers r special to me... So please vote comment fan.. Those little buttons right there*wink wink*.. Stay awesome...

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