3 | Kamado Tanjiro

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Too Far Apart (3)
Has Manga Spoilers

Tanjiro looked at the girl whose back faced him. His dark red eyes showed visible worry for the sight he's witnessing. Onamae was hugging the wailing Senjuro, who embraced the woman back as tightly as he could. She caressed his yellow locks in a downward motion repeatedly and continued to comfort the young boy. Tanjiro hanged his head down, not being able to help the demon slayer he took interest with. He's just in awe, on how she could still comfort the younger brother of Kyojuro-senpai.

It was the final day for the hashira's wake.

Tanjiro glanced at Onamae frequently. He can't help but feel somewhat responsible for letting your only aniki slip away from your world. He felt weak. He didn't know how to face you. The Kamaboko Trio didn't know what to say to you. They saw how your eyes lit up with relief before they left with your aniki. Is this what you'd expect when you entrusted the hashira to them?

Shame, shame on them.

They were even more crushed from Onamae's reaction to the news. You just came back from the mission. It was the same day you heard of Kyojuro's death. After that, no one heard from you. You aimlessly walked around the Butterfly Estate in pure solitude, trying to untangle your knotted thoughts. You just wanted peace and quiet that night. You didn't talk to anyone, nor showed up to eat with the others. In the end, Oyakata-sama watched over you that day and he himself were worried about you. Both he and Kyojuro welcomed Onamae with open arms, yet you didn't know that Rengoku would leave so—early.

Tanjiro snapped out of his reverie when he saw you talking to the former pillar in the Rengoku family. You were smiling so softly, the demon slayer wouldn't think you were grieving at all. It was as if you were trying to reassure the rest of the Rengoku's—you were trying to fit in the place where Kyojuro stood. He looked after his family, including you. Now, you did the same. Thankfully, the atmosphere was lighter since the family actually grew to be in your presence, yet Tanjiro still cannot even fathom the possibility of not pissing off Rengoku's father. He didn't even think you'd have the guts to scold him off for his drinking habit. You even stole his alcohol.

Senjuro, in the other hand, was like a baby to you. You embraced him a lot, even taught him a few household tricks. He was like the brother you never had. You were the happiest when he's around and you absolutely loved pinching his cheeks.

After visiting the Rengoku's, you were pretty much drained. Tanjiro noticed the slouching, your slow walks, your droopy eyes and the unusual disappearance of your smile. Sure, let's say you were showing vulnerability at the Butterfly Estate, yet you still didn't interact with anyone on the place and it was your fourth day of skipping meals. You've become distant and somehow thinner after the day he died. Everyone understood the situation, but they were afraid to grasp the fact that the longer anyone let's you be, the longer the pain you fought so hard to discard, may linger.


The Kamado's elder brother walked on the hallway, trying to find you. Aoi-san noticed the pace of your behavior, so she told Tanjiro the routine you had after Kyojuro's death.

"I tried visiting her for two consecutive days, hoping she'd at least be sound asleep." Aoi stated, folding the clean, white blankets she held. "Yet everytime I'd enter her room, the bed would look the same from the morning I last fixed it."

Tanjiro's bloodshot eyes dropped down. Aoi noticed his reaction and sighed. "She can handle herself, don't worry." The demon slayer then looked at the girl before him with hopeful eyes. Aoi now faced the Tanjiro with a worried look, leaving him a little anxious than usual. She spoke, "Although I suggest approaching her as soon as possible."

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