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"hello i am here!" gina said as she entered ricky's house.

"hey gina!" ricky greeted as he hugged her shortly.

arielle soon came following behind ricky to greet the taller girl, "hi gina."

"ari." gina simply said as she watched arielle get ticked off and smirked. "where's everybody else?"

"dining room." ricky replied. "we're just waiting for carlos and seb and then we'll begin."

"what? you're telling me that i wasn't the last person here?"


"aw man." gina said as ricky laughed. she then walked towards the dining room where everybody was.

"auntie gina!" she heard as she was suddenly tackled from her knees.

"hi darling." she greeted as she hugged her then sat down on the empty seat next to ej and kourtney.

"oh gosh, gina thank you for finally getting her, ej's jokes are even worse than before." kourtney said dramatically as nini and red laughed.

"hey! they're not bad!" ej defended himself.

"i like uncle ej's jokes!" stella butted in.

"see, atleast someone here appreciates my humor." ej said as he held his hand out for a high five, which stella gladly high fives back. "don't tell anyone, but you're my favorite neice." he "whispered" to stella.

"and you're only niece." carlos suddenly said as he entered in.

"my favowite uncle!" stella beamed, running to him as everyone else laughed.

"okay, ouch" ej fake cried as stella went back to him.

"sowwy uncle ej, but uncle cawlos's jokes are funniew." she said as she hugged him.

"okay! hi everyone!" ricky's voice entered as he and arielle entered. "thanks for coming here. we really wanted to ask you guys' something but not over the phone."

"that is..? ashlyn asked.

"well we finally settled on a date for our wedding, which is june 20!" arielle told the group happily. "the second thing is, gina and ashlyn, would you be willing to be my bridesmaids?"

"oh wow, i'd be honored." ashlyn replied with a smile on her face.

gina was shocked, "oh um.. yeah, sure." she didn't like arielle, but it was her wedding day. even if she did some pretty mean things and actions to her in the past, she didn't want to ruin a day that every girl dreams of.

"and red, ej, carlos, and seb, would you be my groomsmen?" ricky asked.

"yeah man!" ej responded as the others nodded.

"and for our flower girl, stella, sweetie, do you want to be it?" arielle asked as she bent down to her level.

"what's that?" she asked curiously.

"well, you get to throw pretty flower petals as you walk down the aisle." she explained as stella smiled.

"that sounds really fun! can i do it momma?" she asked nini as nini smiled and nodded her head. "yay! okay!"

"that's great! that's really all we wanted to talk to you guys about!" ricky said as everyone smiled and nodded.

"you know what we should do now?" red asked as everyone waited for his response.

"marvel marathon! because gina started on without even inviting us" red said with a little puff.

"sorry sorry! but" gina started.

"but what?" nini asked.

"i don't know." gina shrugged as they all laughed.

"i'll go set everything up." ricky said as he headed out to the living room.

"oh hey babe, i'm really tired so i'm just going to head to sleep now." she said.

"okay, night." ricky said as she said goodnight back and headed to their room.

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