thirtyfour. (2)

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Nini heard her doorbell ring and got up from the couch to open the door knowing Ricky was on the other side.

She opened the door to indeed see the taller brunet in front of her. "Hey, come in." She then said opening the door wider for him to enter in.

Ricky entered in as Nini closed the door behind him. "Do you want anything to drink? Water? Juice?"

"No, i'm okay. Thanks for the offer though." He replied. "So, what's up? Is Stella asleep?"

"Yes she is, and you should probably take a seat." Nini said as Ricky just sat down on a seat by the table.

Nini took a deep breath and sat down on the seat opposite from where he was sat. "So, i'm just going to get this over with and get to the point. Stella's your daughter."

"Oh that's nice.." Ricky started off, not fully realizing what Nini said. "Wait, what?"

Nini was scared to go on with the conversation and just repeated, "Stella is your daughter."

"What.. how?"

"It's simple actually, you and I had sex and i guess-"

"What, no, I mean-" Ricky said as he was still in shock. "Are you serious?"

Nini slowly nodded her head, avoiding Ricky's eyes that were staring right back at hers. "If you totally hate me now for keeping this, I won't blame you at all, because quite frankly, it's been killing me to keep this from you."

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