00| by the pond

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          Softly stroking the water, I notice a baby turtle duck slowly drifting towards my direction. Breaking a small piece from my halved loaf of bread, I present it to the innocent animal. Carefully it swims to the food, smelling a few times before heartily taking a mouthful. Without alarming the peaceful champing turtle duck, I gently caress its delicate head. It immediately brings a smile to my face as I watch it return to its family.

It has been four years since the reign of Fire Lord Zuko, unquestionably a blessing to all nations, his father, on the other hand, has only created unnecessary destruction and unbalance. Respectively alongside all nations, we can now live a harmonious life.

Recently it has been announced concerning our Fire Lord needing a consort. His mother, who he has returned with little while ago, has reportedly been worried her beloved baby boy would not encounter someone special before he begins withering. It is rather entertaining when having a ruler at such a young age, moreover impressive, considering he is handling everything reasonably well. Although given my status, unfortunately, I have been chosen, among other daughters my age, as one of the potential noble consorts.

He is undeniably attractive, no one in their right mind would say otherwise. I wonder what character of a lady he fancies, presumably the gorgeous and refined kinds, which is unquestionably not me. I simply cannot imagine the pressure and responsibilities one would hold with such a title.


A shrilling squeal leaves my lips, slapping my palm over it in surprise. I swiftly shift my way towards the raspy voice and find a hooded figure, only his mouth visible to me. My eyes immediately squint when noticing a particular fabric. By the distinguished apparel peeking beneath the hooded robe, instantly, I can assuredly state he is of nobility.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

Shaking my head, I quietly respond, "Don't worry, I simply was not expecting anyone else at this hour."

"Neither did I. Uh— you don't mind if I sit?"

"Oh! No, no— I don't at all."

The concealed person noiselessly sits beside me, the moonlight scarcely reveals any new discernible features. Truthfully, I am quite apprehensive with the newcomer, noble or not, he could be a disastrous person for all I know. I need to, at least, recognize his name, it will somewhat ease my mind.

I wordlessly swing my feet back and forth, and eventually mustered the courage to speak, "So, do you come here often?"

"No, I don't have the time anymore."

"Are you perhaps a noble?"

His hidden complexion faces towards me, "What gives away?"

"Your clothes. Higher ranks customarily wear them," I explain to him as I gesture the clothing under his robe. He simply hums while nodding to my response.

"Um— what is your name?" I ask as I attempt to peer into his face, "I would prefer to know the name of who I am conversing with."

He faces the opposite direction, completely covering away from me. It took him a moment before answering, "Lee."

Lee? That is the most basic name in the Fire Nation!

"What about you?"

I blink at his abrupt question, interrupting my train of thought. I glance towards the unknown visitor, he is already facing me again. I ponder, observing his suspicious attire.


His lips agape, "W-what? What do you mean 'no?'"

"I believe this is fair. I cannot see your face, you will not know my name," laughter erupts when observing him grumbling under his breath. I notice faint strands of black hair flowing below the hood.

"Fine. Though I can easily find you in the daytime."

"Ah, ah, you won't. I am of nobility, such as you. I hide behind a sensu when the sun is out."

"Oh," I watch his body slump in realization. I bit my lip amusingly as disappointment oozes from him.

"I will only tell once you unveil yourself," folding my legs against my chest, I encircle my arms around it while leaning against a rock beside me.

"Alright," he grunts as he stood up from his sitting position, "I need to return to my p— home, I still have paperwork to go through. W-will I see you again here?"

I smile as he offers me his hand, effortlessly hoisting me to my feet, "I'm usually here around this time. I shall see you soon, Lee," after politely waving him, I take my leave.

| to be continued 

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