02| second rendezvous

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           After informing Nuan -not wanting to give her another heart attack- I proceed to sneak out from my balcony. Swiftly leaping from the balcony's rim to the rooftop located under, I silently glide down the cemented black roof tilings and softly land on the cold grass. Quickly observing for any unwanted eyewitnesses, I successfully leave the property.

I sigh in relief as I approach the lulling pond with turtle ducks floating over. Today was definitely a hectic day. After declaring openly, that I am the one randomly chosen to meet Fire Lord Zuko tomorrow, every noblewoman was glaring furiously at me. It was extremely uncomfortable, felt as though every step I took to my carriage was heavily judged.

Perching by the bank of the pond, I relax against the large boulder. Shutting my eyes, I focus on the faint crickets stridulating and little waves splashing against the soil near my shoes.

I wonder if Lee is coming today, he did say he doesn't have much time doing so anymore—

Suddenly I hear bushes rustling, noticing the same hooded figure emerging and settles beside me, "Hello."

With a heartfelt smile, I respond, "Hello Lee, I was just wondering whether or not you would be appearing tonight."

"You were?" the astonishment in his tone was unmistakable, his appearance is not necessitated to simply pinpoint his emotion.

"Of course, you are my pond buddy."

A snort reaches my ears. "Pond buddy?"

I face him, instantly sensing the amusement lacing through his voice, "Yes. This is our pond, Lee. That now makes us pond buddies."

A short chuckle leaves his lips, "Alright."

"Well, how was your day? Anything interesting?" I ask him, genuinely curious about his life, as I shuffle closer to him.

"It was slow, I was stuck in my office all day doing paperwork. It felt suffocating," he sighs, his chest slowly rose and fell, "This the first time today I left my office, sitting by this pond is certainly very refreshing. What about you?"

"Uh— well, nothing exciting, honestly. I encountered with Fire Lord Zuko's noble consorts."

"You are one of the noble consorts?" his whole body immediately twists to me, from his voice I could imagine he has eyes like sauce.

"Yes? Is that so hard to believe?" my eyebrows knit ever so slightly, somewhat offended by his overly shocked tone.

His head hastily shook, I see some strands of hair swaying by the movement, "No, no— I apologize. I'm merely curious about how you feel about this, and um- Fire Lord Zuko."

"I think he is an honourable man who deserves all the happiness in the world. I already know I will not be chosen as his consort, I have seen the other beautiful and sophisticated women, moreover, this will undoubtedly be an excellent opportunity for me to personally know our Fire Lord."

"Oh," Lee tugs his hood, masking more of his face, "I thought all noblewomen would instantly throw themselves at him since he is the Fire Lord."

"No, I am positive there are others who are genuinely eager about knowing him as well and wishes to commit to him for himself, not for his title."

"I hope so," his statement was inaudible, "How old are you, I suppose I haven't asked you that yet?"

"I am 19, and you are?"


"Then you probably already have a special someone waiting, don't you?" my eyes widen in feigned realization, hovering my fingers over my lip, "and you are here, at midnight! Are you cheating on her? Am I now a mistress?"

"What?! No! I'm single!"

The explicit panic from him causes me to almost to fall over in laughter, holding my stomach as I spoke, "I wish I could see your face, I am now absolutely convinced that you have the most hilarious facial expressions!"

Turning his face away from me, childishly yet amusingly he mutters, "I simply did not want you to have the wrong idea— anyway, is there someone you fancy? Perhaps before this consort conception occurred."

Staring down at the pond, I fiddle with my sleeves, "I never actually had the opportunity to exactly meet someone. I chatted and was surrounded by other rich families, but not long enough to know them well. You are the first man I have talked and been with alone."

| to be continued

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