08| party

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I greeted heartily as the familiar figure of his appeared on my line of vision, a smile spreading behind my red and gold-rimmed sensu. As informed by Nuan, he stood by the entrance hall with a glass of half-drunk champagne.

He grins at my appearance as he places a loving kiss on the forehead, using a single hand to slowly twirl me, "You dressed unquestionably gorgeously, Lihua."

"Thank you, father."

"Boqin, darling, " my mother speaks, positioning her hands against his chest to give a sweet, affectionate peck on the lip.

Was it mentioned, once a noblewoman is officially engaged, she is free of the sensu, no necessity to concealing their face no longer? For this reason, the majority of the older noblewoman, such as my mother, do not carry a sensu. Those without engagement are yet to expose their profile to the entire society.

"Let's first greet the Fire Lord and Lady Ursa," my father states, as we walk through the grand luxurious opaque marble-floored chamber with red carpeting. He continues, "There are a few generals who were invited today as well because of their daughters' position as future royal consorts, I will be with them for the rest of this evening."

He then directs his attention to my mother, "I think I saw Lady Zhiruo earlier, by the way."

I gasp when my frame suddenly crashes into another, immediately apologizing before my eyes reached, once again, the familiar mesmerizing golden pool of Fire Lord Zuko's eyes. Melodious laughter rings my ears as he stares at me with a beautiful smile.

"We should really stop encountering like this, Lady Lihua," he teasingly utters.

My face flushed as I avert my gaze elsewhere, "Would I be pardoned if I say I am rather clumsy, Fire Lord Zuko?"

I notice my mother gape at us in complete astonishment, as though she cannot believe the unforeseen closeness the Fire Lord and I have, which is entirely understandable. I, myself, is still astounded by how unprofessional we behave within each others' company.

He chuckles smoothly in response as he brings forth his mother, Lady Ursa, who is adorned in beautiful royal apparel equivalent to her stunning yet motherly courteous smile.

I felt an unexpected hand smack my head forward in a bowing posture, "Fire Lord Zuko, Lady Ursa. It is an honour to meet you."

The Fire Lord struggles to hide his look of amusement as he quickly waves his hand, "Please— rise."

We raise our heads while I glared at my mother, whose hand shortly withdrew behind to her back. I sighed in exasperation before bringing my attention back to the hosts of tonight's party.

"Lady Lihua, I am absolutely in love with your hanfu," Lady Ursa comments as she gazes at my complete attire.

"Thank you, Lady Ursa."

I notice her aggressively clear her throat, and Zuko's eyes widen as though in immediate realization.

"You look b-beautiful, Lady Lihua," a deep blush develops on his cheeks with the tips of his ears glowing bright red.

With a soft giggle of my own, I respond, "Thank you, Fire Lord Zuko."

Lady Ursa nods her head approvingly towards her flustered son, "We are very pleased to have you here. Please, enjoy the rest of the night, " she then gazes fondly at me, "Kiyi speaks a lot about you. As a mother, it makes me extremely delighted knowing how much she enjoys spending time with her new friend."

"I'm glad. I truly enjoy spending time with Kiyi."

She smiles before linking her arms with her son, "We need to greet our other guests. There are butlers scattered around if anything is needed," then whisks away before Zuko had the chance to speak another word.

I moaned as another swift smack hit behind my head, rubbing the sore spot, I glared at my mother, "Would you stop that!"

"You should be more formal in the presence of the Fire Lord. And I thought Kiyi was the younger sister of a friend of yours, not the Fire Lord's!"

"Uh— well, I somewhat see him as a friend, rather than someone I might be engaged to."

A hand lightly falls on my shoulder, my father speaks, "I believe this is excellent progress. Some informality means he is comfortable with her. He also permitted her to have his sister under her care, Fire Lord Zuko trusts our daughter."

| to be continued

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