The Insinuated Lateral Agreement

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Disclaimer: In this original Giyuu x Shinobu fanfiction some references from Demon slayer will be implied but some aren't, there are original twists implied by me because obviously it's a "Fan-fiction".

*clears throat* Ahem

"A smile as bright as the sun,

A gaze as icy as the cold,

Both somewhat yet shun,

But persist with hearts of gold,

Rivalry at first glance,

Yet blooming love at first chance,

Love that would bring about prosperity and- "

Inosuke: "Um Tanjiro what are you saying?"

Tanjiro: "Well pardon me since I'm the only one with an intellect bold enough to introduce the story chapter."

"Their passionate hearts unlike no other,

With their craving desires that pine for each other,

Both concealing the hurt they feel inside,

Letting go yet still holding on due to their pride,

How can the two crossed lovers progress?

When the same mouths that speak with detest are the same mouths that bring themselves to confess-

Zenitsu: "Tanjiro I honestly think we should just skip to the story because at a time like this literature would bring nothing but depression."

Inosuke: " Yeah get to the point."

Tanjiro: *triggered* "Well of course I could never blame myself for your horrible English grades."

Zenitsu: "Well I studied and got an awesome 92%."

Inosuke: "Well I did good too!"

Zenitsu: *lifts eyebrow* "Oh really?"

Tanjiro: "How much did you get?"

Inosuke: " Well it's Zenistu's grade but backwards."

Tanjiro and Zenitsu: 😶😶😶😶 "So you failed."

Inosuke: "SHUT UP!!!"

Nezuko: *speaks softly* "Um guys I think we are straying from the main idea?"

Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke: "Right!!!"

Inosuke: "But where shall we start?"

Zenitsu: "From the thing that brought those two together in the first place."

Tanjiro: "Ah yes the insinuated lateral agreement."

Inosuke: "The what now?"

Zenitsu: " It's basically a contract that is signed by two parties to which hold the terms and conditions involved in the agreement of a specific goal achievement through partnership."

Inosuke: " Ooooooooh.......I still don't get it."

Tanjiro: "It all started at the EHFU."

Inosuke: " The what now?"

Nezuko: *speaks softly* "It's the Engineering Hashira Foundation Unit."

Inosuke: *clueless*

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