twentieth chapter

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Tzuyu POV:

Today's morning, Jihyo told us that two of her friends are going to come here as well. Consequently, I feel kind of bad because her house is definitely too small for seven people. I mean, Chaeyoung and Dahyun are her friends, Daniel is her boyfriend and the two, she talked about, are friends as well. While I am a stranger. 

I am sorry that she planned to sleep on the floor in her own house to give her bed room to her friends. I guess, it's my fault. If I weren't here, she wouldn't have so many problems. 

I don't live at hers for long, but I am sure that Jihyo isn't that kind of person who would tell me to leave. So it would be probably better to leave by myself without telling anyone. 

Nayeon would say, I am a stupid idiot for leaving without knowing where to go, but I've already set up my mind. I don't want to bother anyone anymore. By the way, speaking of Nayeon, I feel even worse. I miss her and I haven't even said goodbye to her. I would love to call her right now but she'd probably tell Sana and then this whole flying-to-Taiwan-situation would have been useless. 

That's why I sit down, calmly and write a small letter to my new friends, Jihyo, Chaeyoung and Dahyun. I try to apologize and want to thank each of them. Then I grab my suitcase. I am ready to go.

I arrive at a place which is simple, people are sitting at tables scattered around the place, having entertaining conversations but I don't mind them. I am distracted by the fact that I don't know what to do. 

Jihyo is such a nice person, it would just have been mean to exploit that and have stayed at her house. I mean, her friends are going to visit her and I am still a stranger. 

I sigh a little. Under different conditions I would have cried but right now, I feel like I have cried so much lastly that there are simply no tears left. But even without any tears I must have looked quite deplorable because I suddenly feel someone sitting right in front of me. 

It's the women from last night. "Is everything alright?" She asks curiously. 

God, If I was okay, I wouldn't be looking like this I think. But I answer quickly. "Yes, don't worry. Why are you here actually? Are you stalking me?" 

Irene chuckles. "Of course not, sweetheart. I am in this café every day." 

I look at her in disbelieve according to her expensive clothing, she doesn't look like someone who would spend their break at a shabby place like this one. But I don't want to sound disrespectful, so I just nod. 

"You don't seem to be alright though." The woman starts speaking again. "And according to what you just told me last night-" 

"I was drunk, okay? It's definitely not part of your business." I actually don't care about being rude anymore. Even though this woman did actually nothing wrong, I need someone to let my steam off. 

To my surprise, Irene is smiling, understanding. "Tzuyu, I totally understand what situation you are in. And I just wanted to make clear that I am not working with prostitution. It's just dancing and that's basically what you've done already anyways. The only difference is that I pay my dancers way better than JYP pays his backup dancers. I just want to help you." 

I slowly nod. I get her point. Do I even have a choice? I need money to survive. "Alright." I say silently, my voice unstable, looking at the floor. 

Irene smiles and guides me out of the café. I can feel the cold breeze blowing against my body, so I pull my coat closer to my body to get warmer. Irene is walking ahead of me, until we reach the parking lot, where we come across her beautiful car. She definitely has a lot of money, I think as I enter her white jeep. 

I am quiet the whole way, even though I have so many questions but I am kind of nervous. I think multiple times about telling her to stop the car and let me leave, but I really need this job. 

„Relax, Tzuyu. I won't kill nor force you to do anything." Irene says as if she could read my mind. 

I don't answer. I remain quiet, looking out of the window until we reach our destination, an enormous building. It has a gigantic structure and on its façade, there's a big neon board with the strip clubs name on it. 

When the car stops, a tall, young man approaches, opening the door for Irene who quickly gets out. The man also opens the door for me and I follow the woman. As soon as the security guard at the entrance sees Irene, he lets us pass without saying anything. 

If on the outside the club looked magnificent, on the inside it looks much better. The place is crowded with man and woman everywhere. The frenzied and sensual beat of the music spreads itself throughout the room. 

I observe the whole place, pink and black are the predominant colours. On the ceiling, the light game consists of big, golden chandeliers. In every corner, I can see couches with man sitting on them while several women serve them. In front of them there are small stages with a big pole, certainly used for pole dance. The women wear short and sexy clothes, while the men wear suits, drink and admire the ladies dancing around them. 

Irene keeps on walking and I simply follow her. We walk through the crowd of people, to then climb the stairs that lead us to an office which we enter. 

"Make yourself comfortable." She says, throwing her purse onto the white leather couch, standing in the room. 

Irene then goes towards a little bar and serves herself a glass of Whisky. "Do you want anything to drink?" I shake my head and walk towards the huge glass panel in the room. 

From there, I can see the entire club. I've never been in a place like this before. It's attractive and exciting but I'm still nervous. 

I eye the sight closer. On the main stage, a group of women dances sensually with clothes that barely cover their bodies and around them, men and women watch the show attentively. As one of the girls slowly starts taking off her clothes, I turn around and face Irene again who is smiling at me. 

"I don't know, if I'll fit in." I say timidly, lowering my head. 

Irene chuckles as she takes a big sip of her drink. She inches closer to the window, watching everyone downstairs. Maybe I'm surmising it, but she looked kind of proud. "You see..." She begins. "All of these girls were once in a situation as bad as yours, until they found me. But since in this case I am the one who found you, I'm giving you an amazing opportunity with this." 

I look down again and bite my lip while thinking if this is a good idea or not. 

"What about you test the feeling out for yourself? Tomorrow night you can perform here and if you like it, you can stay and work here." Irene says in a cheerful way. 

I slowly nod. That sounds fair. Besides, Irene makes me somehow feel save. This woman knows what to do and she is honestly interested in helping me. 

To prepare me for my show, she teaches me some basics about pole dancing. I guess, I am doing a great job since she decided to take some pictures of me to print them on posters as advertisement for tomorrow night. 

Some sort of adrenaline starts spreading through my veins. 

Am I making a mistake?

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