Chapter 10

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After teaching classes for potions with students for the whole morning, it was dinner time for staff and students alike, and so, Severus got up and went on his way to the great hall, as all others were no doubt making their way to as well. He had been thinking about the occurrences of that very morning. He had seen many things, having been a death eater for the dark lord. However, as the dark lord had done his every action with evil and selfish intentions, what he had witnessed earlier that day was different, and it had shaken him. What he had seen was raw power and presence, corrupted for sure, but power and presence nonetheless. The energy she had radiated was strangely, not of malevolent nature, but of raw resentment and desperation. Needless to say, this wasn't something he had ever encountered before. 

He regretted admitting to himself that he was ever curious as to what she was hiding, but her warning had been clear, she would not speak about it in the current time. So he resigned himself as best as he could to pushing his thirst for that knowledge at the very back of his mind. He had a job to do, finding a cure or counter curse to her problem, and he would not be efficient if he pondered about that event all day.

When he entered the great hall, many students were already seated, and many avoided his gaze. Truthfully, he did not entirely like it, but he preferred it to the alternative, which was mockery or attention seeking. Well, to him it was anyway. He took his seat and patiently waited for the rest of the school population to settle in. 

Everyone amidst the staff had taken a seat, and almost all students were seated as well, however Professor Nomendia was still not there. As he processed that thought, there she was. She seemed in a better mood than this morning, but there was something peculiar that he couldn't quite comprehend about her. Her every step seemed calculated, almost rhythmic, and he didn't understand why. She was truly a weird woman, yet, most students seemed to accept her, and even liked her a lot. There were still a few, that he witnessed give her looks of disgust, confusion, or contempt. Nomendia however, didn't seem to care at all.

She took seat next to him, and she seemed ever so slightly tense. She looked at him from the corner of her eye, and tensed up slightly more. ''Something the matter Snape?'' She asked in a slightly strict tone. He slightly lifted his eyebrow. ''You have seemingly developed a particularly unique walking cycle today, care to explain?''

 To his surprise, she loosened up, and let out a chuckle. ''I was listening to a song in my head, and I couldn't help but have every step follow the beat.'' Ah, that explained why it seemed calculated, but not haughty. His lip curled ever so slightly, giving the subtle expression of disgusted confusion. ''A your head..'' Snape drawled.

''Yes, indeed, is there anything wrong with that?'' She said in a very light voice, however, her eye no longer shone with the playfulness it did seconds prior. He decided to test his luck, and put up and even more disgusted expression, again, very subtly so. 

''Not particularly, however as an adult, I wouldn't expect you to skip around like a dunderhead child.'' To that she rolled her eyes and sharply exhaled from her nose. ''Wow, you seem to know a lot about that, after all, you're known to bring inspiration to children.'' She said sarcastically. To that, he scowled at her. ''How dare you question my teaching capacity?!'' He said harshly but quietly.

She simply looked at him with a strict look. ''Is it fun?'' She pointedly inquired. ''What?'' He said, incredulous. ''I said, is it fun?'' She replied in a slightly more frustrated tone. ''What are you talking about you idiot?'' He asked starting to be quite angry.

 She finally gave him a scolding look almost only a mother could give. ''Is it fun to have your own attitude directed back at you?'' He looked almost outraged. ''Why you-'' ''No! You questioned my ability to behave as an adult, when I did nothing to warrant it, and I did the same to you in return, and you hated it, how can you call your behavior adult worthy when it is learned at childhood that you don't do to others what you wouldn't like done to you!'' She exclaimed angrily.

Love From The Soul (Severus Snape x OC)Where stories live. Discover now